Well folks who do not want to serve in the nursery do not have to. they just do not get to use the nursery for their child.
Does this view point extend to all areas of church life?
Is there a monitor at the door to the fellowship hall? If you don't bring a covered dish yourself, you can't eat what others brought.
If you don't sing in the choir, you can't listen to their voices?
If you don't teach a Sunday School class, you can't attend one?
If you don't help clean the restrooms, you can use one?
If you don't lead a Bible study group, you can't attend the meetings?
If you don't help vacuum the carpet, you can't walk down the isle to pray at the alter?
Frankly, sometimes it's amazing how many ways Christians can put stumbling blocks in the path of others. You MUST take classes before being baptised. You MUST be a "volunteer" in Children's Ministry if you have children in church. You MUST bring a covered dish to fellowship with others.
We want people to come to church. When they do, we want to apply LAW in some form for them to worship our Lord. What was the ONLY thing the thief on the cross have to do to be in Paradise with Christ?
Yes, there are people who take advantage of any situtation to serve themselves first. Those with groceries in the pantry will get in line when the truly needy are fed a meal. (Free holiday meals come to mind.) Yes, there are people who will not humble themselves to mop a floor or wash a dish. The world is full of takers. I'm sure that every church has their share of them, too.
Aren't those the very ones we are trying to reach in our ministries? Or, are we trying to find subtle and not so subtle ways to turn them away because they don't meet our "Christian" standards?