Who said it did?
No, what you call "stumbling block" is the normal practice of leaders leading and followers following. Amazed how many on this thread have a problem with leadership and authority!
Seconded :thumbsup:
The main problem is applying a democratic process to a theocratic one. We don't all get a vote, God has determined the roles we play in the church, and not one has a sheep telling a shepherd where they "feel called" to go
Agreed... But I do believe we all have certain gifts we should use. I wouldn't stricltly require a policy which demands that ONE place specifically (i.e. nursery) be required....I do, however, have no problem with a policy which states that provided one is not serving in another capacity...then if they want to use nursery services...then they should serve in the nursery. For example...If I were driving the bus on Sundays for our bus ministry, and my wife were teaching a young ladies Sunday School class, then I don't think we should necessarily be required to pull nursery duty. If, however, neither of us were doing either...then I would be all for us being required to pull our weight. By "feeling called" I think we should rather say that we recognize where our gifts are, and we should use them. If, though, one is serving in NO other capacity, because they haven't "felt some calling" for it...then let the Scriptures give you your calling...."submit to those who have the rule over you..." THAT is what you should then "feel called" to do. But if the leadership of the church has THAT PARTICULAR policy....then we should submit ourselves to it. I think it is a little bit short-sighted, only given the scenario I suggest above, and should require the modifications I suggest. But although churches may be democratic....the "CHURCH" is a Theocracy. I submit to our pastor's leadership when I often personally disagree with his decisions or not.