Hello Robert Snow, great topic for a thread. Your position appeared to be classic Armininism, where God looked into the future, as if it existed in His mind, and saw who would respond to the call and chose them before creation.
Now I am sure many Calvinists have posted yet another view, also made up of pure speculation.
If you are willing, lets back up and consider what the Bible actually says.
First we must deal with the Greek words translated "foreknew and foreknowledge." They have nothing to do with the modern meaning of seeing the future. What they actually refer to is obtaining knowledge in the past, such as a plan of action, and then in the present, implementing that plan. Thus Christ was crucified according to God's foreknowledge.
So first, consider that the way you and the Calvinists use the words is to claim God is looking at something in the future and using that knowledge in the present, i.e. in eternity past, God looked forward into created time, before He created it, and "learned" what we would freely choose. This is a complete fiction, because that is not what the Bible is saying.
Lets consider the problems with the fictional view. God apparently knows what He will decide, thus when He created creation, He already knew and had "intimate knowledge of" what He would create. This is an incomprehensible absurdity. But when you use the actual meaning of the word, i.e. knowledge acquired or formulate in the past, and being utilized in the present, a whole different view of God's word emerges.
In Acts 2:23 Christ is delivered up according to God's predetermined plan and foreknowledge. What this is saying is God had planned what would happen in the future, rather than saying He foresaw what was somehow established before He created it, and then caused His plan to be implemented, thus by the foreknowledge of God. You can read what God said He would bring about in Isaiah 53, and compare that will what Peter is preaching! So using this verse, Acts 2:23, we see foreknowledge refers to knowledge obtained or formulated in the past and then being utilized in the present.
In Acts 26:5 we again see the same meaning. Folks who had known Paul when Paul was young, have this knowledge, obtained in the past when Paul was young, being utilized in the present
Now in Romans 8:28, we must ask when and how did God obtain or formulate some plan concerning "whom He foreknew." Before the foundation of the world, i.e. in eternity past, God "chose us in Him." Both Classic Armininians and Calvinists claim this is an individual election before creation. But many others, including some Arminians, believe this election before creation was corporate, i.e. when God chose His Redeemer, His Lamb, before creation, He in effect chose all those who His Redeemer would redeem, thus "He chose us in Him." So this plan of redemption was obtained or formulated in eternity past,and is being implemented in the present when God places individuals into the body of Christ. No hocus pocus is needed to understand this verse plainly and simply.
For whom He foreknew, i.e. corporately elected when He chose Christ to be His lamb before creation, He also predestined, as part of His plan for anyone individually placed in Christ, to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born of many brethren and those who He predestined, i.e. corporately elected to be conformed, He called, through His gospel, and those whose faith in His Son He accepted, these He placed individually elected and placed in Christ where we are justified, and those He justified, He glorified, for those spiritually in Christ are spiritually in the kingdom of God and hence glorified.
Simple, straightforward and based on using the actual meaning of the words.