Then you really don't have something that is trustworthy and infallible ( without error ), do you?
I've highlighted what I agree with...
To me, the originals were the only ones that God "dictated" to His apostles and prophets.
All Scripture is "God-breathed" by the Holy Spirit ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21 ).
So, I agree with you( at least in principle ), on part of what you said.
As for the first ( the inerrancy part ), it seems to me that you're admitting that you cannot hold in your hands the actual inspired and inerrant word of God, since the originals are long turned to dust.
As it stands, if you are completely unable to trust any translation and any manuscript in existence to be the 100% accurate and faithful word of the living God...
Then you have no Bible, do you?
Do you see the road you're going down, my friend?
Do you see where it leads, when one believes that it all stopped with the originals, and that God did not providentially preserve His words for ( and make them accessible to ) His people down through the centuries?
The foundations for the faith get eroded right out from under the believer, don't they?
Instead of gaining comfort from words that were written for them ( Romans 15:4 ),
they are now told, by men, that those words might not have been written for them at all.