I clarified in post number 4 what we are talking about. No Free will is not free will equally. So yes, it does matter. There are different definitions of free will.
I disagree
free will is free will. the freedom to chose.
Every minute of every hour of ever day we make free will choices..
we are born in a state of unbelief, We have free will up to the point of death to remain in unbelief, or take what God has shown us through his creation, His word, his people and his direct influence in our lives to chose to repent of that unbelief. and in brokenness do the only thing we can do. Cry out for Gods mercy.
as for your post
Some on this board advocate for an absolute free will as if we are not in bondage to sin and because of that will not choose Christ without a change. How then can those same people hold to no loss of salvation? It totally negates that idea of free will. If you cannot choose to leave your salvation, by their explanation of free will, the will is not free.
1.this post makes no sense. Who believes we are not in bondage to sin and thus we will not chose Christ without a change? if we are not in bondage to sin, we would not need to change to come to Christ. thus we would not need to repent.
2. This is a false fallacy even here, we do not CHOSE Christ. Again, as I said the tax collector did not chose Christ. (but you do not want to talk about this)
3. how can these people hold to no loss of salvation? I have spent this whole thread explaining that to you.