Winman, winman, winman... *sigh*
While convicted1 hears the ripping of the context, I hear whimpering and agony... it's the sound of you torturing the text.
You continue to repeat this error. You think that man is only lacking knowledge. If only man acquired enough information he could be saved! I said it before, but that sounds like gnosticism to me. But that is not, at all, what this text teaches.
Pay attention:
Who is being taught in verse 45?
Jhn 6:45 NASB - "It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me.
Those that come to the Son correct? Those are the ones being taught.
learning and
coming are all related in this text. That is the first major problem with your idea that knowledge is all we need. There are many who know A LOT about Jesus, and yet do not come. They refuse to come. If you were right, then every student in every Sunday School class would be a believer, and none would fall away. However Jesus says that EVERYONE who has heard and learned comes to him. Every single one. There is not one who hears that does not come. So we know right away that Jesus is not speaking about simple education or evangelism.
Now, who is doing the teaching? You propose that it is the church:
But you ignore Jesus' own words:
Jhn 6:45 NASB - "It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me.
The NASB uses all caps to indicate OT quotations, here it also takes your attention to what you repeatedly ignore in this text. According to Jesus, who is the one giving this education?
God himself.
Not the church.
Pay attention to what he actually says,"It is written in the prophets, 'AND
Not taught
about God as you try to mangle it to say, but taught "OF God" or "BY God" (NKJV, NLT, NIV,ESV, HCSB etc.).
This is the second major problem with your interpretation. This is one of the clearest passages in all of scripture that shows the effectual calling of God in the heart of the believer. God himself will teach them, and every single one of them will hear him, and every single one of them will learn, and every single one of them will come to the Son. It is inescapable.
And why is this significant?
Jesus is quoting Isaiah 54, and the context there is when the Lord will make his New Covenant with his people, there called the
"covenant of peace", and just like the other prophetic passages that pointed forward to a new covenant, Isaiah shows that there is a new universal aspect to this new covenant: ALL who are in the new covenant community will personally know God! They will all be taught by him (Isa 54; John 6:45), the shall all know God, from the least to the greatest (Jer 31:34). So Jesus is demonstrating clearly that he is bringing in the Lord's new covenant, under which all the people in the covenant will personally know God and they will all respond to his calling and will all, infallibly, come to him.
So lets recap:
Those taught are those who come to Jesus. All who are taught will come, none are lost.
It so God who teaches, not the church. This is God effectively and infallibly teaching, calling and drawing people to the Son.
This is to fulfill the prophets vision of a new covenant age when all in the covenant will personally know the Lord.
This all adds together, demolishing your opinion and making your quotation of Matt 28:19....
...utterly irrelevant.
Scriptures never say that all man needs is more knowledge in order to believe in Jesus. That's just flat wrong. It's true that no one can believe without knowing who Jesus is, but that does not negate the fact that no one can believe without it being granted to them by the Father.
Jhn 6:65 NASB - And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."
You can't ignore what doesn't exist.
God put the Calvinism into John 6, not C1.