I'll add my two cents....and then be finished: (maybe)
On it's face, Luke's O.P. does show us an element of great concern:
Quality "accredited" education is, and can be a very important tool, and, it is the case I.M.O. that many fundamentalist Baptists are failing to utilize it. I don't think the immediate hostility to his O.P. is entirely warranted. It is critical that we be all things to all men, and by any means necessary, use what tools are available in order to reach some.....SOME of those people simply will not listen to an uneducated individual.
SOME people (and they are wrong for it) simply do not want to hear a Christian apologetic from an uneducated (and by that we mean paper) person. Are they mistaken in that demand?
Could they learn MUCH from people who are well self-educated or educated in non-accredited institutions? Yes.
Do they know that?
Apparently not.
But it behooves us to use those tools when practicable.
The Scriptures encourage us to be "Wise as serpents"...
I believe an accredited education can be a great tool for accomplishing that end.
I remember as a younger man arguing with my sainted mother about why I don't care one fig for "pieces of paper" or "accredited" degrees etc....and she kept telling me over and over that there are some (reachable) people who just might respond to an apologetic from someone with those papers.....
I hated what she said, but there was truth to it.
My Father is not saved, but he is a highly educated attorney, ditto my uncle, a highly educated Doctor. There are many HIGHLY educated persons in my extended family and it is in fact the case that they tend to listen and respond to people with the "creds" more than the impassioned "Spirit-filled" preacher who doesn't have those creds.
It's a fact of life.
We can't run from it.
I debated that "piece of paper" argument with my mother for several years:
Turns out.......that she (salutatorian at F.S.U.) was right......Apparently, my parents have indeed learned an awful lot in the past 15 years! Parents do get a lot smarter as they get older
We (if we have academic gifts) should pursue every available avenue of possible learning, and sometimes, that's at a public accredited school.
If your kid is so ill-prepared to deal with the University arguments and the professor's tired Naturalist/Humanist world-view such that they are susceptible to fall into doubt merely from attending such a school, than they were ill-prepared for that and I blame the parents and the Church for it's inability to prepare their children for the eventual intellectual battles they will have to fight at a worldly school.
What's wrong with fundamentalism sometimes is this:
In 1994 I was seriously considering studying drama at the college of
William and Mary (anyone familiar, knows that amongst other things, William and Mary is one of the best drama schools in the country)......
LIKE TOP TEN at least....(next to Julliard, I've seen it ranked no. #2 in some cases.)
At the I.F.B. Church I attended, my innocently expressing that idea made them hyper-ventilate about how I would lose my faith, and (after all) Bob Jones University was
TEN TIMES the drama school William and Mary could ever hope to be (they swear...it's that good).
Does Luke then want the laud and praises of godless atheists????
Well, to some extent, yes, he does........
And he's right for it.
They might just listen to someone with a few letters behind their name as opposed to someone who doesn't have it.
That's a challenge, yes:
But my fear (and I imagine Luke shares it)...is that we preach these platitudes about how all we need is to be "Spirit-filled" and "Empowered"; and that's merely an excuse for laziness.
Spirit-filled preachers
aren't too lazy to do the hard work of getting an accredited education....not if they're academically gifted and able to do so.............Yes, Luke's presentation is often brash (mine are too) and that turns some people off from the meat of what he has to express...
But, when you
educate yourself......
You learn to eat the meat and spit out the bones.....
Luke's O.P. had a lot of bones (many of his posts do)
But the general thrust of it........
Was a meaty challenge that we can't ignore.