The discussion so far assumes the TEN must be
part of the UN or perhaps even of Nato.
Why may not the TEN become part of Mystery
Babylon, which will include all nations, and
yet at the same time be outside the present UN?
Why would any of the present UN "hate" Babylon
and then "destroy her in one hour"?
Babylon, IMO, will be centered at Rome and, by
including all nations, would allow TEN kings
belonging to Terrorist Nations to "work" from
within to destroy Rome which they "hate". At some point they would confiscate and change the "laws" of the System and "give their power
to the Beast" until God destroys both City and System by a great earthquake.
I also cannot see Me4Him relating the time for the First Resurrection and the 7th Millennium (or 3rd since Christ) to the START of dealing with Israel which he cannot allow until seven years AFTER 2018. Me4Him has the START of the
Daniel's prophecy seven years BEFORE Christ comes to "Restore All Things" instead of at
Christ's return from heaven as Peter predicted! Acts 3:21.
Me4Him wants to require 7000 years before the
Millennium; yet the "restoration" in his
view would not occur until 2025 (2018+7) !!!
Me4Him writes:
"Resurrection means to be `back on earth, alive' (in 2025). The rapture (in 2018) is not a `resurrection' as the word is used in scripture. The rapture occurs (7 years) before the First resurrection, but it's not referred to as a `Resurrection'. In the rapture, they are not
`back on earth alive', but go directly to heaven'".
Because of this unproven theory, I see no more legitimacy in Me4Him's charts than I have in
the predictions of Hal Lindsey.
Before we can discuss the time for the First
Resurrection, we need to determine when it is
that God STARTS dealing with Israel and STOPS
dealing with the Church. Is 1948 the date to
determine that 2018 begins God's "dealings"
with Israel (as Me4Him believes)?
Or does Jesus "remain in heaven until the restitution of all things" which requires the
martyrs out of the great tribulation to be
included in the First Resurrection"?
The System confiscated by the TEN will rule the
nations until Babylon is destroyed at the 2nd
Coming which no one can say should be in 2018.
Me4Him is just as guilty as Hal Lindsey in
setting dates based on a "theory" that God's
time for restoring all things must be 70 years
after 1948!!
Gentiles will continue to be saved during the
Great Tribulation. The "times for restoring
all things" begins at the 2nd Coming of Christ
from heaven TO earth.
Mel Miller