Anyone else?
And, for the record, include on the Arminian side those who believe everything except for the loss of salvation. Include on the Calvinist side those with a Calvinistic view of election, even if all 5 points are not believed.
I did not read the rest of the posts, but did read the op and following up to this post.
Before I had studied the doctrines, I assumed the Calvinist view was biblical. But when I first started posting on the internet I met these Arminian folks who disagreed, and some of their arguments seemed to accurately reflect scripture. So I stopped posting and started studying.
After a lot of study and a lot of prayerful meditation, I realized both views were flawed. But at that point I did not see a way around the problem. Then I read an article about corporate rather than individual election. This was the key that unlocked for me, an understanding that meshed with all scripture.
The new view is based on understanding Ephesians 1:4 is referring not to our individual election before creation, but Christ's individual election as God's Redeemer. And of course, when God chose His Redeemer He had a plan to redeem. Thus all those Christ redeems were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.
As I said this key allows God to choose us individually through faith in the truth, 2 Thessalonians 2:13. This meshes with John 3:16 where the "world" refers to fallen mankind.
In summary, I am a one point Calvinist, once saved always saved (1 Peter 1:3-5).
I am a two point Arminians, Christ died for all mankind, and we are chosen conditionally.
My study has demonstrated to me at least, that total spiritual inability of men of flesh is bogus, 1 Corinthians 3:1. And my study of irresistible grace or the gift of faith is bogus, Matthew 23:13.
My study also took we away from the Arminian view that we are chosen individually before creation based on foreseen faith. My view is we are chosen for salvation through our faith which means during our physical lifetime, not before creation.
Finally, we are called through the gospel of Christ. Some people, the first soil of Matthew 13 cannot understand it, thus they are indeed suffering from total spiritual inability. But they were not born in this condition, they hardened their hearts with the practice of sin. If we understand the gospel, like the 2, 3, and 4 soil of Matthew 13, we are drawn to Christ for we have beheld Him high and lifted up, John 12:32
This view is the only one that fits with all scripture.