Good thing no one believes in your absurd straw man.
Believe it or not........Aresman didn't invent that strange idea out of whole cloth...some (presumably) semi-respectable Calvinist apologist, somewhere along the line, has actually argued that to make a volitional or libertarian free decision was to "create" something "
ex-nihilo"...and Aresman seems to be repeating that argument. He has done it before, and he has not been seriously challenged on the notion, because the idea on its face seems to be (at least to me) neccessarily false.
I have heard that strange angle of argument before, not merely from Aresman, but not very often either. It's intitial source is hard to track down....I have been researching any possible responses to it, but, to date they seem to consist of being along the lines of:

"Since when is the making of a "choice" the "creation" of something "ex-nihilo"..........?????
Dunno, maybe he can go more in depth with what it is that makes him think that this is a valid objection. I have no idea what kind of thought process goes into an objection like this......But, I have actually heard this form of objection before:
Personally, I think the "Grounding Objection" to be at least reasonably valid...this one, is a unique one that I have rarely encountered, and it is usually not even responded to as far as I can tell.....
Where exactly would you start??? I have started trying to track the source and rejoinders to this idea, but the pickings are usually slim....I will post some links if I find any which:
1.) Provide some source for this objection
2.) Take this objection seriously
3.) Respond intelligently to it.
Yes, to argue that finite creatures formed and fashioned by the mind of the Almighty Creator must be able to act outside the bounds of His mind and create ex nihilo themselves as a logical necessity is logically absurd.
This verbiage here is wrong on two counts:
1.) No one thinks it "MUST" be the case, as you state, but merely that God has apparently chosen
Incidentally to create man thus: We must be careful not to randomly hurl around terms like: "Must", "Neccessarry", or the like......Those are entirely different arguments...
2.) any classic or generally respected non-Calvinist Theology or Paradigm, escapes, or is not generally perfectly in line with the Mind of God as explained by Calvinism....It is simply false that majority accepted view argue, as you say:
outside the bounds of His mind
obsesses over it, more than
ANY major paradigm.........but are you arguing that "Classical Arminianism" strays from it??? No, the disagreements have little to do with God's
MIND at all!