Of course you didn't say "the Doctrine of Sola Scripture is weak" no one is that bold and people like to have plausible deniability.
But here I will quote what you said and then put in how I got that you are saying Sola Scripture is weak in brackets that way everyone can see exactly what you said and you can't accuse me of misrepresenting you not that i think it will stop

"Your post was not standing up for sola scriptura. [Actually every post I have made in this thread has been about standing up for Sola Scripture, but you don't want to admit that because it means you are fighting aginst that] Your post misrepresented (intentionally) what he said. [In your opinion, I did quote him so that everyone could see his words for themselves and then I asked a question and made a comment about how tragic I saw his view since it is against Sola Scriptrua which I was standing up for. If quoting someone is misrepresenting them then that is new to me so thank you for that information

] If you do not have the ability to defend your doctrine [Sola Scriptura in this case] without misrepresenting (intentionally) [because quoting them is misrepresenting them, got it] what others say then
your doctrine [Sola Scriptura][sic] is weak and your debating abilities are weaker."