Another denomination in which Baptism has also historically been ignored or downplayed is the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA).
Check this out by Bill Kynes, Council member alongside Albert Mohler, Mark Dever, etc. in The Gospel Coalition (a Calvinist fraternity made up mostly of SBC, PCA, and EFCA pastors):
EFCA Ministerial Forum (pdf)
Bill Kynes:
"When it comes to baptism, I consider myself fairly typical in the Evangelical Free Church of America. By that I mean that baptism has not played a prominent part in my pastoral ministry."
"Commonly in our churches, one’s baptismal status has no connection to church membership or to participation in the Lord’s Supper."
also, EFCA president Bill Hamel recalls:
"I had the privilege of being raised in the distinctive ethos of the EFCA by godly parents."
"In the three Free Churches I attended as a child and young man, baptism was ignored"
Mohler and Moore--I have been railing against them for a while now. Add on J.D. Greear. I don't see how the SBC can survive those three if they are not checked. Greear should not be re-elected; Moore's job and the ERLC should be abolished, and Mohler--what would you do with Mohler? In my book, he is an egghead who will side with whoever pays the most.