This man would have been the Democratic nominee had the DNC played fair.
Bernie Sanders's Religious Test for Christians in Public Office
How can Christians support this party?
Is the question, "How can Anyone Support Democrats?", as in the title of the thread,
OR is it,
"How can Christians support this party?"
If the question is "How can Anyone Support Democrats" I think the answer is:
1. These people are believers in class warfare. The reason so many people are poor is because there's too many rich people gaming the system. Supporters of Democrats want wealth distribution.
2. They like big government to administer programs so they don't have to get personally involved. I think most people believe that a government safety net like Social Security and unemployment benefits is a good idea but Democrats want to take the idea further and further with more giveaway programs. Their penchant for entitlements is related to #1, class warfare, since after all, "the rich aren't paying their fair share", (they say), so tax the rich and give to the poor.
3. They are generally anti-military and anti 2nd amendment rights.
4. They are pro-environmental action.
If the question is "How can Christians support Democrats?", I don't have an answer for that given their pro abortion stance and their pro gay marriage stance.