You do realize that you asked for a clarification on the OP of this topic. That was one of two basic questions based on General Baptist sotierology[sic] that I raised concerning a verse frequently “proof-texted” by Particular Baptists to reject Free Will sotierology[sic].
That you choose to engage with the questions with personal attacks (”So you don't actually know of anyone. Got it.”)
That is not a personal attack it is an observation.
and run away from the question with empty evasions (“I have never made that argument.)
That is not running away from the question. One cannot provide a response and be deemed to have run away. One cannot remain in the discussion and be logically deemed to have run away. You accusation as such is a logical fallacy known as an ad hominem.
Well if you are insulted by that, its on you, that does not make it an insult. What it is, is a statement of fact that you created an argument that is not being made in order to be able to disprove the argument. You are guilty of that logical fallacy. Again not an insult just a statement of fact.
Clearly as a General Baptist you are not up to the task of performing exegesis on a difficult verse to support your sotierology[sic].
If you are going to claim some level of superiority on Soteriology you need to learn to spell that word first. As Tom has said in other posts it discredits your "superiority". In other words if you cannot spell what it is there is no reason to believe you understand it with any great level of intelligence.
One is then left to wonder why you bothered posting on this topic at all?
Another common accusation from particulars.
I get it. You have no explanation for the verse or the questions.
Oh I do, I just do not like the way our positions get twisted by folks like yourself.
It was not a personal attack. It was intended as an opportunity to see a “Particular Baptist” verse through “General Baptist” eyes.

I'm sure.