Then you haven't met very many Catholics.
First, I live in Canada, a nation that is over 50% Catholic. I have probably met more Catholics than you have.
Second, I grew up in a Catholic family. My entire extended family is Catholic. That is a lot of Catholics to witness to in just my family (seven brothers and sisters and all their relatives).
Third, I am a missionary and do a lot of traveling. I have been to other areas where to population is predominantly Catholic.
Please don't assume that you have more experience with Catholics than I have. I doubt it.
What kind of Catholic church preaches the gospel? It would go against their catechism. Let me ask you: "Have you been born again?" If so, when?
The RCC believes a person is born again when they are baptized as an infant--baptismal regeneration. That is not salvation by grace through faith is it. That is what the catechism teaches. You cannot believe the catechism and be saved at the same time. You cannot be a believing Catholic and be saved at the same time. The two belief systems are diametrically opposed to each other.
Are you born again? By baptism or by the Holy Spirit? The Catholic way, or the way the Bible teaches? It can't be both.
Some Catholics do. Some Protestants do, too.
I am not a Protestant; I am a Baptist, and as such the Bible is my final authority in all matters of faith and practice. On that I stand.
All Baptists believe that the Bible is their final authority. It is a Baptist distinctive.
Having established that, we also believe that salvation is by grace through faith.
No Catholic believes that according to the Catechism. The Catechism believes it is through the keeping of the seven sacraments, and especially through the sacrament of baptism. Learn what the Catechism says.
Jesus saves! That is doctrine.
It is impossible to reconcile RCC doctrine to the Bible. They contradict each other. Shortly after I was saved I was reading my Bible and realized how much the RCC and the Bible contradicted each other. I knew I had to make a choice. I chose the Bible over the RCC, and have been thankful ever since. This was before I ever came in contact with any kind of Baptist church.
I can't believe in the SBC doctrine and be saved. I have to believe in Jesus Christ, in His sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection. So does anyone who seeks salvation. I believe in the SBC doctrine not to be saved but because it aligns most closely with what I find the Bible teaches. Lots of believers worship in a church where the doctrine is off-balance and wrong.
Then they need to leave that church don't they?
"Come out from among the and be ye separate saith the Lord."
"How can two walk together except they be agreed?"
"Be not unequally yoked together."
Because they belong to those churches doesn't make them non-believers. It might make the missionaries to their brothers and sisters.
The Bible never teaches to infiltrate but always to separate.
Separate from churches that teach wrong doctrine. The local church is for the building up and edification of the believers. Missionary activity is done outside of the church.
A missionary to a Muslim land does not go into the mosques and evangelize there, does he?
You probably didn't bother to think of that, did you? For you to claim that "I have never met a Catholic that knew the gospel" is a ludicrously narrow-minded statement. I know several. Come to Kansas City. I'll introduce you to them.
I have been to Kansas City many times. I have traveled from the Pacific to the Atlantic visiting about 60% of all the states in America. How many have you visited? I have never met a saved Catholic. Once saved they get out of the Catholic church. You can't remain in the Catholic church and be obedient to the Lord. You can't remain in the Catholic church and continue to believe what Catholics believe.
I would never again enter a Catholic church because it would look like I would be endorsing it. Secondly, I would be serving no purpose. My witness to Catholics is in their homes, where they are comfortable; not in their churches--no common sense on your part is there?
That would be even more laughably ludicrous than the "never met" statement if it wasn't overflowing with personal prejudice. Do you realize you just compared the doctrine of a church that has the Holy Bible as its one and only base text of being equal to the Muslim "faith" which denies that same book?
Mormons use the Bible.
J.W.'s use the Bible.
And yes, Muslims consider the Bible as holy scriptures also.
The Muslims are commanded to read and believe in the books of Moses, the books of the prophets, the psalms, and the gospels. That is a lot of Scripture to work with when witnessing to a Muslim.
The Catholic Church is not a Christian Church, never was a Christian Church, never will be a Christian Church. Read the commentaries of the early half of the 20th century and then earlier than that. Almost every Protestant commentary you pick up will tell you that the Catholic Pope is either the antichrist or the false prophet.
This is why I shouldn't ever join in threads like this one. The unChristlike hatred of the Catholic denomination, a hatred without grounds, just ticks me off.
My family is Catholic. I don't hate them. I love them. It is the doctrine that I both hate and despise. It sends people to the pit of hell! That is not being unChristlike.
Anyone who thinks Catholics do not believe in Christ, and Christ alone, for salvation should sit down and talk to a Catholic and find out what they believe.
I grew up in Catholicism. I know what they believe.
If you find they don't believe the gospel, show them the truth. Over half the time, you will find they do believe the gospel, and don't consider works necessary for God's grace, but necessary because they love Him.
A gospel of works is no gospel at all.
Baptismal regeneration is one of the greatest heresies ever espoused by Christendom.
Transubstantiation is another great heresy espoused by the RCC.
A true believer cannot truly believe such heresies.
But then again, over half the time, you'll find Protestants break down across lines of belief in the exact same way. You're missing a great blessing shunning Catholics because you have listened to the lies of narrow-minded people for far too log. Done here.
I don't shun them; I witness to them.
I am not the one who has listened to lies. That much is obvious.