If you go back through the thread you will find my answers based on Scriptures and not the human reasoning of Calvin. There is the difference.ALL humans are born under the taint of original Sin, as ALL have been already judged and found guilty by God due to the fall of Adam.
ALL deserve to go to hell, as we are sinners who choose to disobey God wilfully..
God decided from eternity part to redeem and save out for Himself a remnant of sinners, unto His glory..
seems that you are basing this upon human reasoning of what is to be considered "fair and right!"
My answer is based on a scriptural precedent from the example of David and the death of his child.
My answer is based on the testimony of Abraham concerning his own relatives:
"Shall not the judge of all the earth do right."
I have Scripture to give you; not human reasoning.
The Calvinist gives typical "boxed" answers wrapped in pretty bows:
"This is a mystery." (Yep, sure is. But that is why we have Bibles to study.)
"It was decreed from eternity past." (A good answer that tells me you haven't studied your Bible--you can always fall back on it.)
"It was foreordained to be."
"God chose some for this purpose and chose others for another purpose."
I have heard all these pat answers before.
Anything original to add?