No, I don't understand and neither do you. My argument is against the presumptions of Calvinism which teaches that men CANNOT believe or repent unless made to through an effectual work of God and since I don't accept that presumption the argument wouldn't apply to me. I affirm contra-casual freedom, you don't, so the argument doesn't apply to my view.
It does. You are in no position to say I don't understand if you don't. God can save every single person. He doesn't. So one could say they have an excuse for not being in heaven. God didn't save him even though he had the power to. Of course both of us would reject such a statement, but that's the essence of your argument. You are saying that since God doesn't enable some men to believe, they have an excuse. I say that if God doesn't save when he could, then they would have an excuse by using the same reasoning that you are using. Understand now? I'm simply using the same reasoning that you are using.
same reason you deny God not saving someone that he could save is a good excuse for going to hell.You deny that God choosing not to grant someone the ability to believe is a good excuse for unbelief? How?
Willfully? That means two completely different things in our two views. Man's will is determined by God's choice in your view, not the man. [/quote]Straw man. Man's will for rejection of Christ is not determined by God's choice. You should know that since you used to be a Calvinist. Man's will for rejecting Christ is because he has no desire to come to Christ.
I believe regeneration and faith happen at the same time.Unless a man is first regenerated by God's choice, he is UNABLE from birth to be willing by God's choice, according to your view, thus giving him the perfect excuse.
Again, you have to be willfully just ignoring that you are being inconsistent. Forget about the fact that you are a long ways away from the Scripture that clearly teaches man's inability to come to Christ. You said man would have an excuse. I said it would be the same for your view. Just because you deny it doesn't mean it isn't the case. Man has no excuse because God doesn't keep man from repenting.
Anyway, enough with the attempts at logical understand or excuse arguments, get back to the Bible. The Bible clearly teaches that the man without the Spirit cannot understand the spiritual things. He doesn't seek after God. He is spiritually dead. Clearly the Bible teaches this.