Look at my discourse with Guy above where we discuss the passages dealing with man's being without excuse and maybe that will give us a starting point?I'm speaking of stuff like "excuses." If you want to discuss a particular passage, let's do it.
No, we don't get anywhere when you refuse to answer the questions posed to you because you realize they implicate your system. Why can't lost men desire to come to Christ? Still waiting for an answer to that. That answer is the EXCUSE you don't want to deal with.When we try to look at stuff like man has an excuse, we don't get anywhere.
I agree, so why give them another one by teaching that God doesn't really choose to grant all that is needed for whosoever to come to him and be saved? Why allow them to use the excuse that God may not salvifically love them or long for them to come?Man can always come up with an excuse.
That's debatable.You attempted to put an "excuse" to my view and I showed you that it wasn't valid.
If you think ignoring questions and obvious implications is a show of an invalid argument then you don't know much about debate...unless you are a politician of course.