He punished them because they are sinners.
I'm not denying that you believe that. I'm just saying that it was God's choice to punish them by making them born totally depraved and thus UNABLE to willingly repent of their sin...according to your system. In your view, Adam's fall resulted in all mankind being punished by God and that punishment was to receive a nature from birth by which they could not willingly repent even when called by God to do so.
How is that not accurate?
Again, have you read Romans 5:12? You seem to be arguing against it.
12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned
I affirm that verse. I just reject the Calvinistic interpretation which suggests that death = total inability to respond to a life giving message. I believe the Holy Spirit wrought gospel truth is more powerful than man's natural depravity. God's revelation is more powerful than ANY condition of man, otherwise it wouldn't be very revealing now would it?
Not moot. I conceded no point. Don't back out and not answer.
You denied the fact that God is the one who chose to make fallen mankind totally depraved and then you seemed to concede that is was God who punished mankind. Which is it?
Can God save everyone irresistibly? Yes.
Notice I put the word 'irresistibly' in there to draw an important distinction. Your system assumes God saves irresistibly our system does not.
Does he? No. Then man can have an excuse.
So, all you have argued is that because God doesn't choose to irresistibly save every man then those not saved have an excuse? That presumes God doesn't want men to make a contra-causually free choice, but that he wants to save them regardless of their wills, which is an assumed rejection of our premise and thus question begging. I referred to non-sequiter because your logic doesn't follow into our system because we accept contra-causual freedom, while you don't.
Don't chicken away. Face up to it.
No one is 'chickening' away. You just are not understanding your own fallacy. I can point you to a few scholarly articles on this topic if that will help?
Try this: Suppose you are a father of two small boys. You command them both to sit down at the dinner table. One complies but the other does not. Now, you have the ability to physically force him to sit down, but suppose you choose NOT to use physical force and instead tell him that if he chooses not to sit down that he will go to bed without dinner. He continues to rebel and so you send him to bed. Now, suppose I hear about this story and I tell you that you failed and that your son is stronger than you because you wanted him to sit down but he never did. How would you answer? Wouldn't you say something like, "NO, I'm stronger than he is and I COULD have forced him, but that is not what I wanted, I'm the father and I made a choice. I wanted him to freely choose to sit down own his own or suffer the consequences of his disobedience. He chose to rebel so he suffered the consequences. He clearly understood my command and he chose to disobey so he has no excuse."
But suppose I continued arguing with you and said, "No, your sons will is greater than your will and you are weak. You wanted him to obey and he didn't so he is stronger than you. And since you could have forced him to sit down and didn't, he really does have an excuse for not obeying. You could have physically made him sit down but you didn't so that is his excuse for not obeying."
Do you see how preposterous this line of reasoning sounds? That is what you sound like to me right now.
(Note: I KNOW you don't believe God forces people to be saved, that is not the point of the analogy so please don't say it, that doesn't in any way change the point of the analogy)