"Personally, I find it very difficult to believe that you have any genuine fear of Him anywhere in your body."
Oh I've been in terror of the absolute joy of God. When you fall in love the knees might buckle, you go may even go clumsy. There is a great awe. You pick up loving for same reason he does.
But you have no
fear of God, utilyan...
No respect for His power and holiness.
That is what I see.
You need to let go of this selfish view about what is in it for me.
I also see that you need to let go of insulting others, and enjoying it.
I see you treating people who do not agree with you, not with trying to correct them with God's word out of love and genuine concern, but out of ridicule and mocking...
That is what your posts are mostly composed of, from my point of view.
It's "conduct unbecoming" one of Christ's sheep, sir.
We don't do the things that the world enjoys doing.
If you can name one difference between Love and God then you still have plenty to learn about both.
I doubt you've
ever been impressed with His power and absolute hatred of sin and sinners, Utilyan.
That is the terror of the Lord.
Your idea of God appears to be some fuzzy-wuzzy God-loves-everyone god that is
not willing to show wrath, and to make His power known.
God's word says otherwise.
There is a day coming when He shall judge the quick ( those He has made alive ) and the dead ( those He has not ).
It will be worse than any of us think...
Far worse than you seem to think.
Believe his word, sir,
All of it.
Not just the parts about God loving someone, which you seem to stretch over the entirety of everything He has to say.
is also willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known ( Romans 1:18, Romans 9:22 ).
That is why there is a Hell beneath us,
and the reason that He sent His Son to die and be raised again for those that are His.