No One Wins, BUT You!
I commend your ability to hold strong to your beliefs. However, I have never offered anyone "mere fellowship!" I offer those who I share my testimony with a relationship, not a rigid religion, with the Christ, who died on the cross for all our/their sins.
I have to wonder what your thoughts are on Peter. How many times did he return to the flesh? And he had the one-on-one, personal experience of seeing the works of Jesus in person. However, he "denounced Jesus, three times." He had a long-running feud with Paul, and vice versa. He fell asleep while supposedly being on watch while Jesus prayed. He cut off the ear of a person who was with the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus. He lost his focus, while walking on the raging seas, and may have drowned had it not been for the forgiving love of His Savior.
Granted, in your mind, these were probably infinitesimal slips in his faith, but you'd think that a person who had the blessing of walking with the Savior, tasting the water that had been turned into wine, and helping to serve an endless number of people a fish dinner on the side of the hill, would never have lost sight of the Lord he walked with. Peter sinned, maybe momentarily, but he sinned, and sin is sin. There is no difference in sin. And his renouncement of Jesus was a longer period of time than his minute slip of faith that sent him tumbling into the angry waves. However, the Lord sought him out and brought him back, numerous times.
Are you going to tell me that Peter's faith hadn't taken yet? And if his faith had yet to take, please pin point for me (in Scripture) just when Peter's faith did take firm hold?
You have a good grasp of Scripture, FAL, but I think you really need to loosen up and realize that there is nothing that God can't do. After all He is God, and you, like me, are merely mortal.
And for your information, as I said at the beginning of this post, I've never offered anyone "mere fellowship" with my testimony and in my ministry. I have always, and only offered them "hope" and a road map back to the pathway to eternity (from which they strayed). I'd never want their blood on my hands for false teachings, so please watch where you step when you toss out accusations about my ministry, and the ministry of others on this board.
I did my share of damage as a young pastor; but it was because of my blind and over zealous beliefs on divorce and remarriage. In that case, I have blood on my hands, and for that I have truly repented.
The fact that I was once so zealous caused me to believe in my own words and convictions and that pigeonhole faith did not allow for God to provide for me a way back for nearly fifteen years. That is sad, but, never once (in those 15 years) did I ever doubt that I wasn't saved. I was ashamed of what I did; where I was heading; and spiritually confused as to how to get out. Had it not been for God working in my life to break down MY OWN self taught walls of belief, I don't know where I'd be.
God never, NEVER, forgot about me. I never forgot about Him. It just took me time to get past my own belief system to realize that His grace transcended the worst in me. I may have wandered, but I was always saved, because when I accepted the Lord my name was written in the Lamb's book of life, and when I fell from grace, He did not erase my name, or use "white out" to blot out my place in the Kingdom. He just waited for the right time and place to gently bring me back home.
I thank him for being so loved; and I thank him that you are not in command of the Kingdom and its truths!
I have no doubt that you mean very well, but I know that I know that what He started on Christmas Eve 1966, He continued to nurture and grow, even though my "Prodigal Daze!"
As for you and your harsh interpretation of the His Word, all I can say is, "Enough is enough!" It is time for me to move on, dust off my sandals (in regard to trying to reach your heart of hearts), and proclaim the name of "Icahbod" to any further words, posts or comments you try to offer in explanation of what I believe is an over-zealous belief system.
Please stop trying to convince me that your way is the right, and only way. I am much to experienced in my faith to let your words chink my armor! :wavey:
Pastor Paul :type: