I'm really glad that I came across your post. The one you conversing with Preacher4truth regarding being truly saved or not (if I'm understanding the post correctly). I read the post between you two numerous times as I have struggled with some thoughts on my salvation from the past.
Let me explain....
When I was seven years old, I can remember having communion one even at my church. My mother told me that non-Christians could not partake in the communion and only Christians could partake in it. I then asked her what a Christian was, and she told me about the gospel and salvation. That night, in my bathroom all alone, I got down on my hands and knees and prayed as a child would. "Dear God, please come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. I'm sorry for sinning. Please, come in my heart and make me a Christian. I want to go to Heaven." I don't know if those were my exact words, but I'm trying to give you an idea of how I thought and what I asked. In the exact words, obviously I can't remember, but I remember the just of it.
So, from age 7 (1984 or 1985) I, what I thought "became a Christian." Well, I couldn't stand going to a Christian school, always wanted to go to a public school, and I didn't always like going to church growing up. I wanted to stay at home, be lazy, play as a child, or hang out with friends as a teenager. I don't remember having a strong desire wanting to have a personal relationship with Christ. I don't remember having a burning desire to fellowship with other believers, nor read my Bible. If anything, I kind of fought against reading the Bible and going to church. Part of that, I think might have to do with strict discipline, upbringing, a strict legalistic Christian Baptist school that I went to. The Christian school that I attended would hang out, outside of the mall, outside of the movie theater, outside of the skating rink, and watch to see if any of there students went to those places or wore the wrong thing. I can remember going to those places in pants or shorts on the weekends, and then going to school on Monday, and my teachers grabbing me by the arm, pulling me to the side and saying.....
"Does your mommy not care if you wear pants or shorts?"
"I saw your mom drop you off at the movie theater. What did you watch?" If I told her a g rated movie or a cartoon she would say, "Don't you know that the money for the good movies can sometimes go to towards the bad movies?"
"I saw your mom drop you off at the skating rink. There's bad music there. Your mom doesn't care that you listen to rock music? She doesn't mind you going by yourself?"
Looking back I think, "Well, obviously she didn't care because she let me." Well, of course, I was not disrespectful and tell that that.
The reason I shared all of that with you regarding my upbringing is because I wanted you to have an idea of the upbringing I had after I, as a child would put, "asked God to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins."
Well, sometimes I just wonder... From 1984-85 until 2004 I always called myself a Christian. I would tell anyone who asked that I got saved at age 7 in my bathroom after church one Sunday evening. BUT, if you looked at my lifestyle it did not look like I was a Christian.
In 2004, I had hit rock bottom in many different areas. I went back to church for the first time in an extremely long time. The only time I would attend church is when I went to visit mom and dad in Alabama, and I would go to church with them then (usually on holidays). After I went through a lot of heartaches and bad experiences, I turned to God. I remember crying out to Him, praying, being angry, confused, and I ended up going back to church. After the fifth time going to church (5 consecutive Sundays), I went forward during the benediction and asked Christ to come into my life, to forgive me of all my sings, to allow the Holy Spirit to take over my life and help me be more Christ-like and change my old ways. I remember leaving church crying. I cried for hours. I remember calling my parents and telling them about it, and they cried. I had been away from church for so long.
Now, when I rededicated my life in 2004, I did not miraculously do a 360 in changing my ways. Yes, there were changes, but not 100% perfect. Now, as the years went by I started getting more involved in church. For a while I just attended church service, then I started just attending service and Sunday school, then I added Bible Study to it, then I added getting involved in activities. Then, I added starting reading my Bible daily, and then I started having daily and numerous daily prayers, then I started really paying close attention who my associates were and who I associated with on a personal basis.
Right now, I'm very close to God in that I pray daily, numerous times throughout the day, read my Bible daily, attend church service weekly, participate in Bible study, and as many church activities as I can (depends on work)..... I love God so much right now, and I want to be a better Christian, more Christ-like. I want to live for Him, and now I want to please Him more than ever.
SO, HERE ARE MY QUESTIONS..... I have a hard time with this... I'm trying to figure out how to word them...
1.) Do you think I was really saved at age 7?
2.) Was I saved at age 7, but I just backslid, really bad for a long time and then came back to Christ in 2004 when I rededicated my life?
3.) Or, was I not really saved at age 7? Did I just think I was saved but really wasn't. Especially, since I was so far away from God for so long?
4.) When I rededicated my life or became a new/1st time true believer in 2004 how come I did not do a complete 360 in my old ways? For me, it was gradual, every year it became more and more that I wanted to live for Christ and change. I think part of this was the involvement in church, involvement with other believers, praying, and reading God's Word.
I've met some people who said that they did a complete 360 the moment that they got Saved and have been that same way every since. My experience was not that way.
What are your thoughts? I'm sorry for the long post.
burning questions I have..
From Nashville, Tennessee
New Member - 1st day today
