think that more accurate to say that he teaches an unbiblical view of sanctification...
His salvation is right on about HOW one comes a Christian, but quite faulty on process After one is saved!
Think BOTH "Free Grace/Lordship" have problems in their understanding, as Free Grace can lead one to trust in emotional responses for true salvation, while in lordship, one never knows if one has made jesus "lord enough" to be really saved!
The Bible simply says:
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (in its most basic summary)
To believe--have faith.
This is not a mental consent or just knowledge. It is faith/confidence in the word and work of Christ that it is true.
Faith has an object. The object of one's faith must be Christ--not emotion (as you suggest), or "for parent's sake," or because of peers, etc. The object of faith must be Christ and Christ alone.
The result of faith is salvation. Emotion is (joy and peace) may or may not be present. If they are it is an extra added bonus. If the Calvinist denies any emotion at salvation are they really saved? We are a new creature in Christ. There ought to be some difference.
In Lordship salvation the verses that are applied to discipleship are applied to salvation.
Whosoever forsakes not all that he has cannot be my disciple.
Whosoever puts his hand to the plow and looks back cannot be my disciple.
Whoso hates not mother and father...cannot be my disciple.
What new believer can do all these things? None of them.
If these are required for salvation, then salvation is a religion of works.
If one looks at a new Christians, just after receiving Christ and determines that if these are not present and therefore the person is not saved, he has a religion of works. He has made these marks as his determining marks of whether or not a person is saved or not, and therefore salvation is based on works.
He has disregarded that each one of these commands are commands for disciples, not for those coming to Christ.
He has disregarded the fact that there are carnal Christians. (1Cor.3:1-5)
He has disregarded the fact that it is possible for a believer to backslide.
He has set himself in the place of god judging who is a believer and who is not. The Lord knows them that are his. We don't know. Only God knows the heart. There are carnal Christians as there were in the Corinthian church. We cannot know if that person is carnal or unsaved. Our duty is to deal with their needs on a one-to-one basis, meeting their individual spiritual needs, being a witness of the grace and glory of Christ.