...but inwardly he knows he’ finished and knows what awaits him.... and he trembles. He ain’t on team Jesus.
I would argue that Satan, much like God, is a non-temporal being and as such receives, processes, and responds to information in a much different way than we humans or even the other angels do. The difference is that our God has spent a great deal of time and effort...up to and including the understand us and our perspective. Satan has not. Based upon what the Voice of Revelation (12:12) stated, that Satan knows he has but a little time, I'm sure that he sees the walls closing in around him. But I've come to appreciate Satan's personality, and I think that he fancies himself an escape artist. I think that he believes that he can still slip away, even at this late date. I think he's wrong. But I think that he himself doesn't realize that, and when the door really does slam shut...he'll be (unpleasantly!) surprised.