Now, would it be nice to live in a perfect world - of course -
But we know we are NOT in a perfect world!
As this world is under partial control of the "god of this world" (for now)
Is God the Father in full control - of course.
But the Devil has been given leeway - (think Job)
Many like to only give the "perfect" ways of Christ - love one another - be kind, ect
and of course we should attempt these attributes.
BUT do not forget when Christ did have to use forceful methods -
Granted - he did not have to do that often - but - it was effective.
One other thing - a question - for the LEO's here
I have heard that many LEO's have never taken their firearm out of their holster. let alone fire it. during their entire career -
would you say that this link is correct
Survey: Fewer police officers fire their service weapons than Americans think ::