Why Church Kids Rebel (Part 2)
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Over the past couple of weeks it seems many of my conversations have been about “church kids.” You know the type…
· They’re in Sunday school every week and always have the right answers
· They participate in AWANA or some other type of bible club
· They sing in the children’s choir
· They correct you that Jonah was not swallowed by a whale but a big fish
· They know the stories about Noah’s ark, Samson’s donkey bone, and David’s sling
· They go through confirmation, catechism, or they would say they’ve prayed a prayer, walked an aisle, or been baptized
· They go to church camp and retreats
· They serve as youth leaders for the “bad” kids
· And they go on mission trips with the youth group
One other important point is that many of these same kids are rebelling against the church and Christianity in droves! Why do church kids rebel? We’ve been in conversations with weeping parents who say, “We home-schooled our son/daughter, we did all the programs, we volunteered in AWANA, they went on mission trips and now they want nothing to do with Jesus, the church, or the bible. Where did we go wrong?
Unfortunately, the Christian church is famous for shooting their wounded rather than “weeping with those who weep.” Christians love to turn to Proverbs 22:6 and say, “Don’t worry, you’ve trained them right, eventually, they’ll be back to the Lord.” But, is that true? You know as well as I do that many never return. Or they’ll use this verse to tell parents, “You obviously did not “train up your child in the way he should go” otherwise you wouldn’t have this problem today. Gee, thanks…that helps…I won’t be sharing my problems with anyone anymore.
Is it a secret formula where some parents figure it out and others don’t? Is there some way to guarantee your child will never rebel? Over the next few weeks, I hope to share some reasons I believe church kids rebel.
Reason #1: They’ve Never Been Regenerated (Click here to view)
Reason #2: Legalism in the Home and/or Church
Last week I wrote about the #1 reason for church kids to rebel was because they’ve never been regenerated. Technically, if they don’t have a new heart, they’ve really never rebelled. Instead, they’re acting out of their own sinful nature and doing what’s actually normal for them. It may be seen as rebellion because they’ve “always been good kids” but, on the inside, they were full of “dead man’s bones.”
Be a Good Boy!
Think about your two-year old, whom you are diligently training not to be selfish, not to be hurtful, and to sit quietly. Think about what you are asking of him. “Be a good boy for mommy” has become your rallying cry! You are asking him to be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind, and patient but without the Spirit of God living in him. In other words, you are expecting that two year old to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in his own flesh. Is that even possible? How frustrating it must be for them when they’re only acting according to their natures and want to stop being “bad” but can’t .
Teen Ministry is Easy
When I was in student ministry, I used to tell the children’s ministry guy, “You have the hardest job in the church.” To which he would reply, “No way, kids are easy! You just have to make sure they’re safe, have clean diapers, and teach bible stories while they patiently sit. The teenagers are the hardest to work with.” But, the more you think about it; these kids will obey because of the fact that adults are bigger, stronger, and authoritative. You can get them to obey essentially because they’re scared of you. You have no idea who is genuinely interested in spiritual things and who has been trained to be “good.” Teenagers on the other hand are easy. They aren’t scared of you. Once you’ve worked with teens for a while it’s pretty easy to see who’s faking it and who isn’t. If you haven’t reached their heart, you’re the first to know it.
While I will be the first to say that we need to teach our little ones what is proper and what isn’t, I would caution parents and pastors to be careful not to mistake “good” behavior, proper clothing, or biblical answers for a heart that is seeking after the things of God. Instead, they may be self-righteous or simply used to playing by the rules. As they get older, they either swing towards the legalism and self-righteousness they’re used to, or the pendulum swings from legalism to licentiousness.
As you read back through the gospels, is there any group of people whom Jesus is harsher on than the legalistic Pharisees? I challenge you to find one. When Jesus rebuked them, He ridiculed the good looking outside due to the rottenness that characterized their sinful hearts on the inside.
It is EASY to get your child to stop doing bad behavior! That’s what our government uses the prison system for. It is a temporary (sometimes permanent) “time out” for those in our society that can’t play by the rules. This method of discipline in our homes has us confining them to their rooms, taking away their stuff, and keeping them away from certain people. But, if their hearts are not repentant, this is a temporary fix at best. As soon as you put your guard down, it will be like letting a balloon loose without tying the end. I am not saying that you shouldn’t do that as parents! I am saying that there has to be more than that if you’re going to reach their hearts!