Active Member
"Because he obviously..." is your main argument here. If it were so obvious, it would not be so controversial. Obviously.
But the burden of proof is on you, my friend. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. You have to do better than saying, "Because he obviously...".
I did read about this in my brief online research before commenting. Similar arguments have been made about the Dead Sea Scrolls. And maybe other lost scrolls or tablets will turn up some time in the future. Having been lost to history doesn't prove anything in and of itself, though.
I never claimed there was anti-Semitism in the book of Enoch. That is a straw man. Go back and read what I said.
There you go with the word "obviously" again. Nope, I'm not Catholic. Assumptions, assumptions. Next time you have the impulse to type "obviously", try to resist it. It will improve your arguments.
Wow. Just wow.
You're hanging a lot just on interpretation.
So you do believe women are to blame for making the angels fall. Do you also think women should cover their heads so it doesn't happen again?
Jesus was not sexist, and He was the gold standard, not Enoch.
The teaching is to love your neighbor, and there is no fine print saying it is good to hate your neighbor if she is a woman. Just remember that.
You know all about angels and everything they can do, huh?
And you seem to think all kinds of supernatural beings besides God have the creative power of God.
I might have been thinking of Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard, not Crowley. They got their ideas from somewhere. As you have noted, there is nothing new under the sun. But that was kind of my point. This type of Enoch and similar material can be inspirational to occultists. It is not poles apart.
This is the Chariots of the Gods type of argument. And Graham Hancock, and Ancient Aliens. Enoch is not even needed for this. Do you follow all those guys and believe all their books equal to the Bible, too?
I don't hang my faith on prophecy, because so many end times prophets have been wrong so many times before.
Could it be that people just repeat the same things when they are not being stopped by Judeo Christian belief and culture? After all we can be clever without being wise. It's human nature.
The Pope is irrelevant. I didn't know he joked about baptizing aliens.
I agree the so-called aliens are probably demons, and many alien authors compare them to the fairies of the past or speculate that they could be interdimensional beings. In book stores, alien books are in the New Age section. I think they are widely perceived as being in that category, and the Ancient Alien guys more or less came out of the closet as Theosophists on their show after a while. I don't need to read the book of Enoch to know any of this.
I did share proof you just do not like what was shared. And you have nothing as to proof in rebuttals against Enoch's writings "MY FRIEND". I backed with scripture and verses from Enoch. What have you presented to dismantle? NOTHING, except your opinion by quoting me and bringing NO facts against me.
As I said everything you say is just personal opinion. You do not have to believe aliens are demons. You do not have to believe giants walked the earth, nor do you have to believe angels went in unto woman. It is your OP, you were the one curious about it all. Maybe you should have done more study concerning your OP. I did not tell you to hang your faith on prophecy you inquired about what went on in the OT and the how the Book of Enoch is relevant, then when someone shares what was stated in a book which predates all other scripture you say it is irrelevant ,yet it speaks of the very things you were inquiring about, HELLO!
Maybe you were disingenuous concerning your motives, it sounds to me you just wanted to attack a person and a whole denomination with unfounded opinions. Scripture has been presented which does support these writings to a degree.-in that, with what is presented has been supported by scripture, you NOTHING. So, at the present time the scales are tipped heavily in my favor and defense of the book of Enoch. Think what you want -as to comparing a new name 'Extraterrestrial" to Watchers old school. That too is just your opinion , if you believe in aliens or not- your view. The fact is there are fallen angels and they are deceptive and they can reinvent themselves before man, to convince man they are something else to remain relevant .
The bottom line is I present two sides of an argument , you have not, nor have you with scripture given any concrete proof against the writings of Enoch. With that said go back and read what was posted, my rebuttals against you and others are there.
Do not know what you are ranting about, remember you asked!