I am not missing anything, I am pointing out how foolish your doctrine is.
You believe it is impossible for men to repent or believe unless God regenerates them, and then in the next breath you tell that man to do what you just told him is impossible for him to do, to repent and believe.
If you can't see how messed up that is, you are in serious trouble.
Ain't that the truth.
Repentance is a change of mind,heart, and emotions about Sin, Self, and the Savior. Everyone must repent in 1 of these 3 areas to be saved, some have to repent of all 3 areas.
A person must repent of sin and change their mind about it, Jesus expressed this when he said it is better to cut of the hand and enter life maimed than to have two hands and to be cast into hell.
A Person must repent or change their mind about self, being that self is not good or righteous.
THis is best illustrated when Jesus spoke of the Prayer of the Pharisee and the Publican.
A person must repent or change their mind about the Savior.
The bible says if any man abide not in the doctrine of Christ he has not God.
Jesus said if ye don't believe that I AM, ye shall die in your sins.
So a JW or a Mormon would have to repent of their belief in the False Jesus of Mormonism and JW in order to be saved.
Repentance is simply a change of mind, heart, and attitude, it is not a work though.
However in the bible repentance is always followed by a change of action: For example the bible says many time that God repented, and these times are allows followed by God changing his course of action towards someone.
So true Repentance of Sin, Self, and the Savior will then produce an action, but this is only because Regeneration occurs at Repentance and then the Holy Spirit is then able to produce fruit.
Forsaking of Sin is a fruit of Repentance, it is not repentance in itself.
But a man who's fiance cheats on him, if he repents or changed his mind about marrying her, then he is probably not going to still marry her.
Unfortunately many people pray a sinners prayer, yet never repent of their sin.
Sin MUST be repented of to be saved, but Repentance is not an action, it is a changing of mind, it's a mental/emotional/heartfelt letting turning from sin, and turning to Jesus to save.
THis is best illustrated when Paul told the Thessalonians that they turned from idols, to the living God.
Salvation is a Turning TO Christ, But person cannot truly turn to Christ, until he repents from whatever is causing his back to be turned from Christ.