I think the majority of you free willers holds to the premise.
I don't know any one that holds to the premise that Christians are responsible for people going to hell, and I certainly don't know of anyone that blames Reformed or Calvinists for not praying for the lost as the reason people go to hell.
Why else would you object to Monergism/Soveriegn Grace so strongly and have your silly list?
I object to Calvinism because it is a flawed theology. I certainly don't object to Calvinism because its adherents don't pray for the lost. (Talk about a strawman.) I'm certain that Calvinists DO pray for the lost. Many of them have spoken up and affirmed this, in this thread and in others.
My "silly list" is a compilation of the illogical, nonsensical arguments put forth by Calvinists to defend their beliefs. It's a generic list and could be applied to just about any theological argument, except perhaps for #5. There is nothing Calvinistic about using a strawman argument, it's just that you guys do it so frequently, it's become a cliche.
In fact, I could be a Calvinist, love Reformed theology and still have my list, because it is a list of faulty arguments. It just happens that Calvinists use these faulty arguments much more frequently than classical Arminians, Lutherans, Catholic, just about any one.