Thomas Helwys
New Member
Turning from clear truth this poster rushes headlong into error.:thumbs:
God bless you, too.
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Turning from clear truth this poster rushes headlong into error.:thumbs:
God bless you, too.![]()
So, you believe God created all those people for no other reason than to send them to hell? If they never had opportunity to hear of Christ, how could they be saved then? If they had no chance to be saved, then that is saying what I wrote in my first sentence, is it not?
How about God? friend.You have come in here with an agenda and quoting from Dave Stewards bogus website does not indicate you intend any blessing.:wavey:
You have not even begun to make any kind of biblical case,just trying to accuse the brethren.
God did NOT create people merely "to send them to hell"----but that they should be saved
There was ample opportunity for salvation of the nations---at Pentecost--where Jews from all nations under the Sun were gathered in Jerusalem--there the enfilling of the Holy Spirit began----the Jews who were filled had a responsibility to carry the saving gospel back to the country they were drawn from
Same way with the Holy Spirit coming upon the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius---the Spirit filled Gentiles had the responsiblilty to carry the same saving gospel to the country he was drawn from----
Every person has had opportunity to hear the gospel message---through the responsibility of the believers---Jew first and also to the Greek----without the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus all are "condemned already"----because they did not believe
Nope...Can't agree with you there TH..... God would never be behind someone changing their mind to a position that runs CONTRARY to the clear teaching of His Word.
The question I think you and others who believe as you appear to believe ( that it may be possible to be saved with out access to the Bible or knowledge of Christ) need to answer is:
Once you get the correct answer to that then you will know why NO MAN who is not "CLOTHED" in the imputed RIGHTEOUSNESS of the Lord Jesus Christ can EVER enter into the eternal presence of our Holy God in Heaven.
What did Jesus have to say about the matter?? (See John 14:6) He IS the ONLY way. Salvation IS an exclusive gift...and in the light of the total population of this world since the Garden of Eden, relatively FEW will come to true Biblical salvation because of their fallen nature. People who go to Hell do so not because of their sin(s), but rather, because they are birth, by nature, and by choice. You rarely have to teach a child to do WRONG...they do it by nature. Sad but true. Those of us who DO know the Lord should be completely HUMBLED by His unfathomable love, mercy, and grace!
Billy Graham, Schuller, and now regrettably (apparently) Franklin are wrong about this. I personally believe it is just more evidence of the growing apostasy and steps toward the rise of the coming one-world "church" of the time of the anti-christ as the end draws near. Again...sad,but true. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
...I have to stand behind the Scriptures where Jesus says, that the only way to the Father is through Him [Jesus].
Secondly, Jesus did describe the gate to heaven as being "Narrow" then told His followers that like the gate, the Path to heaven is also "Narrow" unlike the road to damnation which is wide and traveled by many. However, these scriptures pertain specifically to those who have heard the name of Jesus and the call to accept Him as Savior, and rejected Him in thier lifetime.
I do not believe that anybody and everybody will GO to heaven. However, God does make provision similar to the one where God sent Jonah to Ninevah to spare them from destruction. Once they heard of Jehovah and had the opportunity to repent, they were spared. Also, Sodom and Gomorrah wold have been spared if there were at least ten "righteous" people. We know that number could not be rounded up, and the cities of many sins were lit up and turned to toast!
With that said, I often wondered about those who never had an opportunity to know, or hear, the name of Jesus [in our time and age]? And while I firmly believe that it is true that Jesus is the only way to get into heaven, it is quite possible that there will always be a remnant, who will get there, without knowing His name!
SEE: for a great article on God's remnant! I am not god, so who am I to even try to say that it is a possibilty that God will permit some into heaven by their works, especially when they had no ways or means of hearing the name of Jesus and being afforded the opportunity to call upon His name? This is
God call, not your or mine. While I think this is a great topic, it comes down to us being concerned about our own salvation. In a way, this argument and conversation is a kin to the one that asks, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?" I think we'll never really know, and the same goes for heaven. We will not really retain much information about our past life when we get there, so we may in fact be around Ninevites and never know it? :smilewinkgrin:
Rich Deem (of Evidence for God) writes an interesting argument for a conclusion such as the one Billy Graham holds to, and it is seen in its entirety @ but for those who do not want to take the time to hit the link and read it let me paste his conclusion here: I know there are many Christians who say that all those who die without faith in Christ will be relegated to spend eternity in Hell - even if they have never heard the gospel. I think scripture suggests otherwise - that we are judged on the basis of what we know and how we act upon it. This is not any sort of ecumenical theology or "all ways lead to God." Those who have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and have refused to believe have rejected Him, and, as such, will fall under the condemnation of God, because they have rejected His provision for our disobedience.2 Therefore, atheists are still without excuse8 in rejecting God. Those who perpetrate evil, even without the knowledge of the gospel, will likewise be condemned, since they have violated their God-given conscience. In the same way, those who play the "religion game" of going to church on Sunday, but living apart from a relationship with God, will be condemned.
I do expect several of you to come after me. Some may even call me a heretic. But that is to be expected. After all, this is as much a philosophical question as it is a theological question! :smilewinkgrin: And that statment may get me in trouble too, but, this is a forum to air out each others thoughts on some very interesting topics. So my hats off to HungryInherits for something to really think deeply about, while coming up with no solid answer, only speculation.
I think your post is one of the most sensible, balanced, and charitable posts I have read. Thanks for posting it here.
You posted in the other christian denominations site and offered a quote from Dave Stewarts website.I have no agenda. Who is Dave Steward?
And yes, I intended a blessing; so glad that you are so certain of my intentions. Instead of answering your false post charging me with error, I just decided to say God bless you.
I have made biblical cases for everything I have posted. Tell me, what brethren have I accused? Another false charge. I can't help it if people are made uncomfortable by facts. That's their problem, not mine.
Not everyone has heard the Gospel message nor had opportunity to hear it. And so those people are condemned to hell? Not by the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe by the Calvinist god, whoever that is.
And so is your response [thanks!]. But, just wait, I know the arguments and condemnations are soon to follow. :laugh:
SEE: for a great article on God's remnant! I am not god, so who am I to even try to say that it is a possibilty that God will permit some into heaven by their works, especially when they had no ways or means of hearing the name of Jesus and being afforded the opportunity to call upon His name?
Thomas Helwys
You posted in the other christian denominations site and offered a quote from Dave Stewarts website.
In the journey into the catholic church post 130, you offered your example which from the site I posted.
Dave Stewart is the name I saw there.
You are denying that sinners go to hell apart from hearing and believing the gospel.That is falsehood.
You have not made any biblical case, then you claim Calvinists have gnostic roots. then this;
That is the biblical God that you will give an account to on the last day.
And so is your response [thanks!]. But, just wait, I know the arguments and condemnations are soon to follow. :laugh:
I will give an account to the God and Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; He is not the Calvinist god.
I realize I'm coming to this thread late, but no one has mentioned this statement of Graham, which is in essence that a person can come to the truth through some man-made religion. Living in a country that is only 1% Christian, I can tell you that any religion, any teaching other than that Jesus is the only, unique way to Heaven through faith in Him by the Gospel, is completely and totally wrong.1997 interview with Robert Schuller on the Hour Of Power tv ministry.
Graham: ...And that´s what God is doing today; He´s calling the world for His name. Whether they come from the Muslim world or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world, the non-believing world, they are members of the body of Christ because they have been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus, but they know in their heart that they need something that they don´t have, and they turn to the only light that they have, and I believe that they are saved, and that they are going to be with us in Heaven.
The teaching known today as calvinism was taught by Jesus.You can learn it now, or find out about it later.
Your denial of the fall and it's results is unbiblical.The source you pulled it from is nothing resembling a biblically accurate source.
God takes no pleasure in those that die and go to hell. Ezekiel 33:11 (NKJV)
11 Say to them: 'As I live,' says the Lord GOD, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?'
I realize I'm coming to this thread late, but no one has mentioned this statement of Graham, which is in essence that a person can come to the truth through some man-made religion. Living in a country that is only 1% Christian, I can tell you that any religion, any teaching other than that Jesus is the only, unique way to Heaven through faith in Him by the Gospel, is completely and totally wrong.
Billy Graham's statement is errant, ignorant nonsense.