Apparently my daughter is at a friend's house and it seems they've been sucked into the KJVO lie. Why????? I have to say that this couple is kind of gullable and jumps on weird bandwagons but really - the KJVO thing is SO easy to dispute - especially the arguments they are bringing up. My poor daughter hasn't been exposed to it and even though I've done quite a bit of study on it, I've not really discussed it with the kids much. I've been texting her the answers to the arguments they are bringing up (like Revelation 22:19 with tree vs. book) but I just said that if it's a debate going on, to come home. They won't listen. I know it. It saddens me.
Well good for them!
Amazing that KJVO are accused of being "intolerant" when there are far more books written AGAINST the KJV and criticizing the belief that ANY Bible is infallible.
Now since Revelation 22:19 is "SO easy to dispute" (as a KJV rebuttal), explain the following:
*All of the Majority text readings have "EVEN SO, come Lord Jesus" in them. Siniaticus, Alexandrinus, NASB, NIV, Holman, ESV do not. Ditto for "Christ" and "You all" of verses 20-21.
*The RV and ASV read the end of Revelation with "with the saints" according to Siniaticus, and the NIV reads "Gods people". The 1995 NASB and 2001 ESV reject Siniaticus and follow the Alexandrian "with all" and reject "You". Hardly any of the modern versions agree with each other and the variant readings are found in only ONE TEXT each.
*The NASB and and ESV reject "AMEN" even though it is in the Siniaticus, and have it included in other editions.
*Codex 1r, which was used by Erasmus, was missing Revelation 22:16-21. The standard teaching is that Erasmus went back to the Latin Vulgate for these verses and re-translated them into Greek. However, Dr. H. C. Hoskier disagreed by demonstrating that Erasmus used the Greek manuscript 141 which contained the verses. (Concerning The Text Of The Apocalypse, London: Quaritch, 1929, vol. 1, pp. 474-77, vol. 2, pp. 454,635.)
Regardless, the textual support for these verses is not limited to the Latin Vulgate. They are also found in the Old Latin manuscripts, additional early translations such as the Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, and Ethiopic, and some later Greek manuscripts.
Regarding the Greek, it should be pointed out that even today there is not a great deal of textual support for the verses in question. For example, of the early papyri there are no manuscripts of Revelation 22, or for that matter of Revelation chapters 18-22. Further, among the uncials, only five have Revelation chapter 22, and only four of these contain the last six verses (Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, 046, and 051). There are several minuscules which have been discovered which contain these verses (94, 1611, 1854, 1859, 2042, and 2138 to name a few).
Greek manuscripts 57 and 141 read with the Latin in stating "book of life" and not "tree of life" as found in Sinaiticus and most other Greek mss. There are, of course, other witnesses to the reading found in the KJV here. For example, the Old Bohairic Coptic version also reads "book of life." Additionally, we have patristic citations from Ambrose (340-397 AD), Bachiarius (late fourth century), and Primasius in his commentary on Revelation in 552 AD. Thus, we have evidence of the KJV reading dating from before the Vulgate and maintained throughout Church history in a variety of geographical locations and various languages."
The reading of "book of life" is also found in the Coptic Boharic, the Arabic, the Speculum, Pseudo-Agustine and written as such in the Latin of Adrumentum 552, Andreas of Cappadocia, 614 Haaymo, Halberstadt, Latin 841. "Book of life" is found in the Greek manuscripts of # 296, 2049, and in the margin of 2067.
Libro (book) is the reading of the Latin mss. Codex Fuldensis (sixth century); Codex Karolinus (ninth century); Codex Oxoniensis (twelfth to thirteenth century); Codex Ulmensis (ninth century); Codex Uallicellanus (ninth century); Codex Sarisburiensis (thirteenth century); and the corrector of Codex Parisinus (ninth century)."
Mid English Testimonies are These include Wycliffe 1395, Tyndale 1525, Coverdale 1535, the Great Bible, the Bishops' Bible 1568, and the Geneva Bible 1587. "Book of life" is found in Young's, Webster's, Third Millenium Bible, and the New KJV. It is also the reading of the 1569 and 1602 Spanish Reina Valera versions as well as its modern 1960 edition used throughout the Spanish speaking world.
Martin Luther's translation of 1545, using Greek texts before Stephanus' 1550 edition, also reads "book of life". I met a Russian pastor a couple years ago and asked him what his Russian Bible said here. He told me it reads book of life too. I also have a copy of the Modern Greek New Testament, used by the Orthodox churches in Greece today, printed in 1954 and the reading of Revelation 22:19 is "book of life".
Besides all these English, Spanish and Greek bibles, it has been confirmed that the following Bible versions also read "book of life": The Afrikaans Bible of 1953, the Albanian, the Basque New Testament (Navarro-Labourdin), the Dutch Staten Vertaling, the Hungarian Karoli, the Icelandic Bible version, the Italian New Diodati, and the Douay-Rheims.
The Catholic versions and the Latin Vulgate also disagree among themselves, with Jerome's Vulgate and the 1950 Douay, and the Jerusalem Bible all reading "tree of life", while the older Douay-Rheims and the Clementine Vulgate both read "book of life".
If verse 19 were properly "TREE of life" then verse 18 would make NO SENSE" and it makes no sense the way the other translations read.
Verse 18 begins with a curse for anyone who adds to the BOOK, and the curses pronounced are curse FROM THE BOOK, NOT A TREE. Then following this same line of logic, verse 19 begins with "AND" "if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Verse 19 "book of life" matches all of the other references in verses 18-19, and it matches Revelation 3:5, "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of
the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels", and Revelation 20:12.
So not only is there plenty of textual support for Revelation 22:19 "BOOK of life", historical support, there is the COMMON SENSE reading of the context. The critics of Revelation 22:19 don't follow their own rules or logic in their own modern versions, and there is FAR LESS support for "tree of life" then for BOOK.
Hope you explain this when "proving" to them that Revelation 22:19 is in "error".