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Again, not disparaging you. Pointing out that you are a perfect example of semi-pelagian interpretation of God's word is an accurate label for your beliefs. It's no different than you labeling me a calvinist.Yet another post directed at disparaging me (a semi-Pelagian determinist) and not addressing Romans 11:7. This is all they have folks,
Nearly every word for word philosophy translation starts with "What then?" This refers to a condition established in the prior passage. And that condition is the existence of a remnant existing within Israel because of God's chose of grace.
Next we get "What Israel is seeking" which teaches the lost can and do seek God. But seeking God on the basis of works is futile, all our works of righteousness as as filthy rages to God. Thus by seeking a right relationship with God on the basis of works, Israel has not encountered that relationship.
But those who were chosen obtained it - a right relationship with God. The verse does not tell us the basis for God's gracious choice, but we were chosen through faith in the truth, thus saved by grace through faith.
Lastly, "and the rest (those not chosen on the basis of faith) were hardened so they would not at least for the time being, come to faith. This again teaches the lost have an innate capacity to believe in Christ, which was taken away to facilitate the spread of the gospel in the Gentiles.
In summary this verse, as with the entire Bible, provides no support for Calvinism, and in fact teaches the lost seek God in various ways, some by works and some by faith, and that God hardens those of His choosing to preclude coming to faith for His overall purpose.
See how they deny even the obvious. Did MennoSota address the verse or its teachings? Nope. But on and on they go, trying to change the subject from scripture using falsehoods, disparagement and insults.
The fact is the very verse that Calvinists use to support false theology actually demonstrate the theology is false. Romans 11:7 being a prime example.
See how Van ignores what is said and cries martyr. Did he address the topic of semi-pelagian belief? Nope. But on and on he goes trying to change the subject from his semi-pelagian belief to call himself a martyr.See how they deny even the obvious. Did MennoSota address the verse or its teachings? Nope. But on and on they go, trying to change the subject from scripture using falsehoods, disparagement and insults.
The fact is the very verse that Calvinists use to support false theology actually demonstrate the theology is false. Romans 11:7 being a prime example.
The "what then" is a statement that is the same as one drawing a conclusion, followed by that conclusion.
Van said:Verse 7 clearly is concluding the previous section. And that conclusion is that the national Israel has not obtained what it seeks. However, the CHOSEN did. Those NOT chosen were hardened.
Agedman said:What rendering could possibly give any other interpretation than the obvious?
See how Van ignores what is said and cries martyr. Did he address the topic of semi-pelagian belief? Nope. But on and on he goes trying to change the subject from his semi-pelagian belief to call himself a martyr.
The fact is the very verses Van comments on prove his belief to be incorrect. Yet, Van persists.
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In summary this verse, as with the entire Bible, provides no support for Calvinism, and in fact teaches the lost seek God in various ways, some by works and some by faith, and that God hardens those of His choosing to preclude coming to faith for His overall purpose.
And again ... what a muddled mess of soteriology. Those who castigate "Calvinists" need to pay close attention. Van believes not only that "God hardens those of His choosing to preclude coming to faith for His overall purpose" (a very "Calvinist" sentiment) but that he may harden the hearts of those who are seeking him and thus nullify their efforts.
Please give me a real Arminian any day to talk to; he at least can dicusss Reformed theology without making up his own dog's breakfast of soteriology.
"...but that he may harden the hearts of those who are seeking him and thus nullify their efforts...."
Hey at least one FINALLY attempted it, though poorly at least he triedI just like to demonstrate what LENGTHS these guys will go to hold onto their "Autonomy", they'll jump over and under, anything but what it plainly says, and says elsewhere. I think it's impossible to go through the book of Romans and remain a liberal, it's SO CLEAR, with Paul in Romans 9 Exegeting it for us!
No one says God's love is limited. What I say is that you, personally, are forcing your concept of love upon God. In so doing it is you who limits God to fit into your image of love."Autonomy" isn't the issue I have with Calvinism: on the contrary, it's the depiction of the perfect, Holy, righteous, omnipotent, omnipresent God as being someone with limited love. Because that isn't Biblical.
No one says God's love is limited. What I say is that you, personally, are forcing your concept of love upon God. In so doing it is you who limits God to fit into your image of love.
When God ordains hell for some and heaven for others that is an act of love. God is love, therefore his choices are always done in love...even if our finite little minds cannot comprehend how God's love functions when he justly damns people to hell.
No one says God's love is limited. What I say is that you, personally, are forcing your concept of love upon God. In so doing it is you who limits God to fit into your image of love.
When God ordains hell for some and heaven for others that is an act of love. God is love, therefore his choices are always done in love...even if our finite little minds cannot comprehend how God's love functions when he justly damns people to hell.