Let’s see…..
I do not understand your "conciseness" here, brother. If you disagree with me, that is fine. But don't object when I mention your disagreement.
What I said here, to clarify, is that Tom's position deviated from the traditional position regarding this thread in ways beyond the headship of Adam. You disagreed. I noted that you disagreed. That's all. Nothing offensive, no insults, nothing unbecoming a believer, and no words placed in your mouth.
One thing that I miss about the Army is that men had the courage to speak plainly. If by disagreeing with me you meant to agree with me, then apologies for my misunderstanding your "conciseness". Unsure
Quite unbecoming of the Gospel.

Col. 4:4
I do understand, brother, why you may be ashamed of your words and actions over the past two weeks. But the appropriate response is repentance, not insult.