I believe this is
@Revmitchell s answer:
the act of coming to God and rejecting Him is left to the individual even though they both hear the same gospel. This is by Gods design.
Therefore, Rev seems to be dualistic. Humans cause their own salvation, but that is the way Rev believes God designed it.
So, short answer: Humans cause their own salvation, according to what Rev has specifically stated.
Now, let's see if Rev tries to backtrack.
I agree with you most of the time, but I would like for people to only repeat what others have claimed their position to be without rephrasing.
You are being unfair to Rev., I think, to say he believes people cause their own salvation. I don’t believe he means that.
I don’t think he is (forgive me Rev) thinking that deeply about the reason “why?”.
He believes Jesus’ statement that the saved are those that “do what is true..,come to the light” and those that reject “love darkness”.
I believe ,perhaps you do as well, that everyone loves the darkness and will not “do what is true.. come to the light” unless God intervenes and makes it so.
The version of John he uses reads their works have been “carried out in God”. My version says their deeds have been “wrought in God”. I have always seen v.21 as explaining the prior verse of “do what is true” as being a work of God in bringing people out of the darkness and into the light.
I doubt Rev believes there were people “doing what is true” prior to Gods influence, but I’ll let him speak for himself.
Thanks for the comment
peace to you