I do not think I would say "never". God can and will use any method He wants to to draw people to Himself. The OT is a good example of that. In modern times we have those that have a direct vision of Christ Jesus in answer to prayer. But to answer your main question the drawing or even the gospel never saves anyone, only God can save.
The gospel is just one way that people can be draw to Christ Jesus. I have found over the years that we have to meet them where they are. When you say the gospel, what do you mean by that. Not trying to be difficult just want to be sure we are talking about the same thing. I have heard people that you have to use certain words or it is no good.
I apologize for this long post. but there are several issues and questions to cover.
Ok, first, revelation in OT and NT can be divided into general revelation, found in creation, and special revelation which is God making a direct communication with someone or a group.
General revelation, found in creation, according to Romans 1, never saves anyone. It only renders all mankind without excuse and condemns them.
In the OT days, God gave special revelation to certain people. He chose them and revealed Himself to them in various ways. Abraham and the three “angels”. Jacob wrestling with the “man” by the water. Moses and the burning bush, visions dreams and so on.
In Hebrews 1, the writer tells us that in those days God revealed Himself in various and sundry ways but in these last days, He has revealed Himself through His Son.
So Jesus is the final special revelation of God to His creation.
1 Cor 1: 19-22 or so, tells us that the wisdom of the world failed to know God and that God was well pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those that believe.
That is a definitive statement that the one and only method God has ordained to bring people to salvation is the preaching the gospel.
Also in 1 Cor chapter 15 or so, Paul gives the things that are of first importance concerning the gospel. They are Jesus died for our sins, according to scripture; He was buried and raised from the dead, according to scripture; and that He was seen alive by more than 500 people that knew Him to have died.
So, I’ll ask again. Do you agree that the general revelation found in creation never saves anyone? Do you agree the gospel is necessary for salvation?
peace to you