No, you definitely don't know what the Greek word "ei" means.
No need for your foolish video link that lends to your personal attacks. Is that another fruit, too?
Well, "ei" is not the word "if" in John 8:24, the word "if" in John 8:24 is "ean me", and not once in the scriptures is this word translated "since".
It is translated "except" 33 times, "if not" 16 times, "but" 3 times, "if no" once, "not" once, and "before" once. It is not translated "since".
We are talking about the word "if" as used in John 8:24. In this verse, the Greek word used is never translated "since".
This word is used 18 times in the book of John, and in almost every case is translated "except" which means unless, or provided that, or contingent upon. It does not mean "sinse".
By the way, I looked up "ei" in a Greek Lexicon, it did not mention the word "since" as a definition. Here is the definition it gave.
According to this Greek Lexicon, the word "ei" is never translated "since" in the scriptures. Here are the other translations given for this word.
KJV (291) - if, 242; misc, 3; not tr, 20; that, 6; whether, 20;
NAS (389) - although, 1; if, 341; no, 1; only, 11; suppose, 1; though, 5; unless, 5; until, 1; whatever, 1; whether, 19; whoever, 3;
So, this Greek Lexicon does not support your defintion, but it does support mine. But you are deflecting to begin with, we are discussing "if" in John 8:24 which is the word Ean me.
Edit- Here is what this Lexicon showed for Ean me.
if not, unless, whoever ... not
KJV (60) - before, 1; but, 3; except, 33; if no, 1; if not, 16; not, 1; whosoever not + (3739), 5;
I don't see the word "since" here, do you?