Is a Neo-Nazi a true Nazi?
Is a Neo-Con a true Conservative?
Is a Neo-Evangelical a true Evangelical?
Is a Neo-Orthodox a real Orthodox?
As the Nazi Party (National Socialist Party) ceased to exist in 1945 it seems obvious to me there were no Nazi's at Charlottesville. There certainly were Neo-Nazis present, represented by such groups as Vanguard America, the Traditionalist Workers party, The League of the South, etc. They vary tremendously, The League of the South being a pro-secessionist group less concerned with race than independence.
But none of those I listed were Socialists. To the contrary, most would support the more extreme forms of Laissez Faire Capitalism (probably without knowing what, exactly, it is).
The constant references to National Socialism is simply the invocation of Godwin's Law. An attempt at the logical fallacy of "guilt by association."
The Neo-Nazi's don't need to be compared to German National Socialism. They can look despicable all by themselves.
So, rather than name calling let's look at some facts. The Neo-Nazi groups applied for an received a permit for their demonstration.
Had they not been there none of this would have happened.
BLM and Anti-fa did NOT have a permit for their "counter demonstration."
Had they not shown up there would have been no trouble.
Had the Mayor not ordered the police to stand down there would have been very little violence.
Had the City Council not passed an ordinance to desecrate a memorial to a US Army verteran, none of this would have happened.
Was all of this just massive coincidence?
Or was it orchestrated by one group, the other group, the Mayor and City Council.
And where will it end? Now the radical left is calling for the removal of the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial because they were both slave owners.
And last Sunday the Atlanta Peace Monument, erected in 1911 as a symbol of peace and unity was vandalized by these same "protesters."
It's got to stop. If it does not stop it will not end well for anyone.