Now that Agent 47 has made some attempt to explain himself, I will give my understanding on this topic.
I will say that it is disgraceful that some have made accusations against Reformed Christians on this matter, but they can be forgiven because they have done so in ignorance. Even worse is the same people's attitude towards Almighty God. Unless He complies to their fallen understanding and logic, He is being unjust.
'But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, "Why have you made me like this?"' (Romans 9:20-21; cf. Isaiah 29:16).
First of all, we need to understand that all people are fallen in Adam and inherit his sinful nature. First of all, compare Genesis 1:27 with Genesis 5:3. Then consider Psalm 51:5.
'Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me' and Psalm 58:3.
'The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.'
Surely those of us who are parents know about this. You have to teach a little child everything: how to be clean, how to talk, how to hold a spoon. But you never need to teach them how to be bad. No one ever needs to say to a child, "Now sally, this is how you tell a lie. You think of something that isn't true and you say it as if it is." Or, "Now the Johnny, this is how to be selfish. You keep all your toys to yourself and you don't let your little sister play with them." You never need to do that. They learn these things all by themselves.
Then you an turn to Romans 5:12-19 to see where Paul insists over and over again that sin came into the world through Adam, and through him spread to all men. And if that is not enough, he repeats in in 1 Corinthians 15:22.
So infants, even new born ones, are sinners, and if they are saved, it is purely by the grace of God. Jonathan Edwards was absolutely right when he said that
if God condemned infants to hell, He would be just to do it.
However, The
universal understanding of Reformed people has been that all infants who die in the womb or in infancy will be found in heaven at the Last Day. Indeed, It is my confident belief that all those who have been aborted will rise up in the judgement to condemn this wicked generation.
Here is C.H. Spurgeon on the subject:
Here are Al Mohler and Danny Akin on the subject: This one is quite short and easy to read.
These two articles give some of the Biblical data on this subject. I hope people will see what a foul calumny it is to say that Reformed folk, especially Baptists, believe that all infants end up in hell.
One other point: when David's infant son was taken ill, he fasted and wept before God, but when the child died, he recovered himself and worshipped (2 Samuel 12:15-23). In v.23, he says,
"I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." Some believe that he was just saying that in due course he would join his son in the grave (or Sheol), but in Psalm 16:10, David says,
"For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption." David knew that death was not the end, and he looked forward to being with his son again in heaven. Compare his self-control in 2 Sam. 12, with his unrestrained grief after the death of Absolom, who he knew full well was not going to make it into heaven (2 Samuel 18:33).
So, although the Biblical data is not great, as a Reformed, Calvinistic Baptist, I believe we are justified in believing that all infants dying before or around birth are saved.
Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?