I believe that all of mankind is under the curse.
That's true...all mankind is "under the curse"...but, is "the curse"...
that all persons born of man are condemned by God?
Or, is the curse exactly what Genesis spoke of...
Namely, that man would have to till the ground, and that the woman would have multiple pain in child-bearing....
Something you should note:
Strictly speaking..
.God did not curse humans.
He cursed the GROUND and the serpent....
Calvinists insists God cursed
That's not Scripture.
Scripture says God cursed the
All have human natures and therefore can be said to have sinned “in Adam”
All humans have "human nature"...
that makes them humans.....
There's no Scripture which demands that humans are guilty of Adam's crime in perpetuity such that it consequences a change in their nature and being....
IF it's so....
Than it would be an indemnible part of human nature to be a partisan of Adam's crime....
Except that Jesus was ALSO a Son of Adam, and yet he was without sin.
There's no escaping the Scripture on this.
Jesus was a man.
A REAL MAN...tempted as are we yet without sin...
Adam's transgresion is either a part of human nature and condemns him by default...or....Jesus wasn't a real HUMAN.
and are subject to the consequences of the curse.
Please show how the "curse" means that God condemns all infants as sinners........
I've read Genesis, I've read about the "curse"...
God actually "cursed"
the Serpent, and
the "Ground"...
I'll post it since it is such a point of contention:
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life
No curse of
humans...let's continue...
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
God cursed the "serpent"...and God cursed the "ground"...
DID NOT "curse" humanity...
Jesus Christ was a human Jon....as human as you and I...and he was not accursed.
However, I do not believe that infants are condemned
Than, your Theology is inconsistent and illogical.
If men are condemned because of an inherited nature from Adam and they are partakers in that sin, than infants are absolutely positively and without excuse condemned as sinners and fellow partakers in that sin.
Absolutely, it's inescapable, you need to own the realities of your own teaching.
We are condemned for our sins.
I'd say that..
In your schema...everyone including infants are partakers in ADAM'S SIN...
It's critical to the Theological construct you adopt.
Paul speaks of the justness of God and the rightful condemnation of those who do not believe. The reason is that God has manifested himself throughout creation. His glory and attributes, even the Godhead, is evident. Yet men reject God.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and
I do not see this as applicable to children who die in infancy.
OF Course, not..
Because they can NEITHER choose to believe any more than they can choose to sin...
They're BABIES
Babies crap themselves Jon....
They don't defy God, they don't rebel against God....
They neither reject Grace nor accept it...
They hang around crapping their diapers
That's only a problem if you accept "Original Sin"...
If not, there's no issue, and your whole life becomes 1,000% less complicated...and...actually.....the Scriptures become a
LOT EASIER to understand...
More to the point, Scripture does not address the salvation of infants.
Of course not...
Infants don't need
Ever wonder why God didn't address that contentious issue????
It's because it doesn't exist
Infants don't "sin"...so they don't need "salvation".
For those of us who have lost children through miscarriage, disease, or accident,
Lost one to misscarriage myself...
That zygote wasn't an odious sinner God hated from conception...
Get rid of your addiction to "Original Sin", and it's not complicated.
I don’t think that any of us have found comfort and assurance that our child died before they sinned
I have...My child was about 6 months old....he wasn't a "sinner"...
He was the size of a jumbo shrimp, not capable of choosing good or evil...
He wasn't a "sinner".
My kid wasn't anyway.
We find comfort and assurance in God and his love and mercy.
I find comfort in the painfully obvious...that my miscarried dead child was the size of an orange, and he didn't posses some vicious condemning facet of wickedness from Adam which constituted his nature...
He couldn't talk, he couldn't breathe on his own.
He could neither accept nor reject God.
So from a personal side, my wife and I found assurance in God and his providence
According to Calvinist Theology...
God hated that child because he was a vile unnacceptable sinner who was wicked from his very conception.
There's no getting around that.
That's what Calvinism teaches.
He (or she) was born
cursed with the vile sinfulness and guilt of Adam inherent of every facet of it's nature, and was therefore hated by, and unacceptable. to God....
Accept Jon...according to your Theology...God
hated that child of yours who died and it was worthy only of perpetual torture in hell because it was only evil and odious in his sight....
That's the doctrine.
Our trust was that God is in control and works all things for his glory.
He does......
And, (given "Original Sin".)...
God hates your baby and needs to punish and torture him/her for all of eternity to vindicate his "goodness"....
Because of the "curse" of Adam.......since you seem to believe that all men inherit the Sin of Adam..
Regardless of the reason,
There's no secret to the reason.
It's so
our assurance rests in the love of God.
God, absolutely does not "love" unregenerate rebellious sinners who disobey him.
If all children are conceived in sin and wickedness and in need of God's grace, than there's no Scripture on the planet which states that God has any reason whatsoever to grant them forgiveness.
If "Original Sin" is correct...
Than your child suffered from it, and God hated him or her and their sin and wanted nothing to do with them.
There's no passage which states God has a plan of "forgiveness" for your
hated, despised, stinking, vile, sinful, odious, horrid, child.
Everything about that child makes God want to vomit and makes him seeth with hatred against it.
That's what Original Sin means Jon:
I'm sorry, but, that's what it means.
From a biblical perspective, I don’t see Scripture dealing with this topic at all.
It does...
That is to say...that the "topic" doesn't actually
exist Jon.
Babies poop and coo and eat...
They don't sin.
Get rid of the doctrine of "Original sin"...and it's so uncomplicated.
Scripture instead seems to deal with God and God’s plan of redemption. From a theological perspective,
That doesn't come close to saving either your baby nor mine.
I do not believe that our condemnation is that we have human natures.
That's a start...
Human "nature" doesn't condemn anyone...
I agree.
Christ had a human nature...
He's our salvation.
keep going.
It is that we have human natures and we sin.
So, it's TWO THINGS???
1.) That we have a "human nature"
So does your unborn babe
So did Christ
2.) That we Sin
That's Biblical.....
Get rid of number one and your baby (and mine) is safe...
accept it...and it's conflagrated bull-******
Since Scripture does not separate the two
Scripture doesn't
HAVE to....
Scripture didn't create the
Scripture is not required to condemn heresies you created...
Or any weird Theologies created in the perverted minds of men 1,000 years removed from the point of it's writing...
Sin is the willful disobedience against the ordinances of God..
That's it..
Babies can't do that.
(except with Christ, who was human but without sin),
in your view...all humans are possessed of wickedness by nature of their humanity...but Christ somehow escapes that....
while still being an actual human...
No kidding:
Or...just do away with the "Original Sin" facet of your world-view.....and seriously.......it becomes
I believe that all infants who died in infancy will be in Heaven as they have not sinned against God.
You're RIGHT!!!!!

That is an assumption – only God knows.
No, it's simple obvious Scripture.....
Sin is an action done by agents capable of rebellion....
it's not a weird disease contracted by humans because the suffer from a genetic deformity...
Couldn't be simpler....
Your child is safe Jon...
So is mine...
Not because they were "Good"...but because they never rebelled against God...they never had the chance.[/QUOTE]