Brother, with all due respect, you need to revisit your posts to me. I was not making a charge at all.
With all due respect when you explicitly say "YOU SAY...." when I said no such thing or inferred no such thing, that is a false charge.
You are imposing your "logical conclusions" on others by this statement. There are Christians who deny the eternal security of the believer without asserting justification byworks. With you, I believe that denying eternal security logically leads to a works based salvation, but many holding that doctrine simply do not follow that logic.
First, eternal security of the believer is not any process of logical conclusions but the clear and explicit teaching of scripture (Jn. 5:24; 6:37-39; 10:26-30; etc.). No logic involved just plain scripture.
Second, one either accepts it or rejects it.
Third, any doctrine that concludes in the rejection of it is rejecting the whole Biblical basis upon which that biblical doctrine stands.
Fourth, it is not biblical terms that define doctrine or truth but the definition of those biblical terms.
Therefore, all denominations which openly disavow the bibical doctrine of eternal security are openly disavowing the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone without works REGARDLESS of their logical explanations. We do not judge a denomination by their explanations but by the Bible's explanations. Therefore, it is not me "imposing" my "logical conclusions" on anyone - unless you too deny the Biblical doctrine of eternal security and therefore charging me with false doctrine derived from simply my "logical conclusions" instead of fidelity to the Biblical teaching??????? Is that it?
You confuse ignorance with fully rejecting your conclusions. I am saying that far too often we see people blinded by what Spurgeon called "puffery in doctrine". I am saying that this is you. I understand exactly what you mean and I understand exactly the logical conclusions of your doctrine here. You reject Scriptural authority in favor of romish cohesion.
I was trying to be charitable instead of calling you heretical in this regard.
You don't even know my view of the baptism in the Spirit. My point was that "baptism" is not always (or perhaps even most of the time" the symbolic water baptism in which you seem to place so much faith. When we talk of the "same baptism" we (Baptists who do not believe in baptismal regeneration) typically speak of the salvation of which baptism symbolizes. Your error is the divide between the Stone-Campbell movement and legitimate Baptist churches (which does, come to think of it, go right along with Landmarkism). Your doctrine seems more in line with Campbellism than it does with Baptist theology, and unfortunately you seem right at the line of that heresy.
When you said,
We are not talking about a “different baptism” because that “baptism” is not the water baptism of which you allude. It is being baptized in Christ, the work of which water baptism testifies.
There is no question as to what you believe or else you could not possibly make that underlined statement. So I know exactly what you are talking about and it is not baptism in water you are talking about and that statement is well documented and explained in many theology books.
Yes, I've heard this argument several times. I live in middle Tennessee and we have a lot of people who advocate your views. I can't tell you how many time's I've listened to - "We preach gospel salvation while y'all preach a church salvation doctrine"; "We follow Jesus while y'all follow men", "We are the true Church of Christ while y'all are denominations". I am VERY familiar with your doctrine, and I reject it. This is the first time, however, I've heard it proclaimed by a professing Baptist.
Well, "y'all" is wrong and they are spot on!
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