This might be straying a bit from the op, I don't know, but I can't help seeing a distinction in the way masculinity is portrayed now vs. the way it was portrayed years ago.
Men used to hold doors for ladies. They got up and let a lady have their seat if she needed one. They had respect for women in general. I remember hearing stories from WWII of how the men would watch their foul language when a lady came into the room.
Nowadays, it seems men no longer treat women in a respectful manner. Women are an OBJECT, like eye candy. TV commercials show "manly men" as the ones with the muscles, sports cars, half-dressed blondes hanging on their arm, and swaggering around like pro-wrestlers.
Men used to hold doors for ladies. They got up and let a lady have their seat if she needed one. They had respect for women in general. I remember hearing stories from WWII of how the men would watch their foul language when a lady came into the room.
Nowadays, it seems men no longer treat women in a respectful manner. Women are an OBJECT, like eye candy. TV commercials show "manly men" as the ones with the muscles, sports cars, half-dressed blondes hanging on their arm, and swaggering around like pro-wrestlers.