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I am answering this without reading the rest of the thread thus far, so pardon me if I am stepping between parts of a discussion.HeavenlyPilgrim said:HP: So Ann, faith comes from God, (which is true in a sense) but does this mean God is the 'cause' of our faith in salvation? If God has to grant us faith to believe then He must withhold the means of salvation of others that do not have faith, correct?
How about you Trotter? Maybe I should have addressed you with the question I gave Ann. What might be your response?
God is not a man and should not be regarded in the same way as a man. Once you can get your mind wrapped around that you will be much better off. Philosophy will get you nowhere with understanding anything about God.
God gives the faith to accept His offer of salvation. Whether or not that meets your definition of "cause" or not I have no idea. I figure you put in quotes for some specific reason, but I don't know your reason for it. I can only tell you in layman's terms as I am no philosopher by any means. Man does not have any faith within himself other than that he creates himself, like to believe in a false gospel, a cult, or even evolution. That kind of "faith" means nothing as far as salvation goes. I can have faith in my wife, but that won't get me to God.
Gos is the author and finisher of faith. He gives it to all who will have it. He does not withhold it from anyone, just as the offer of salvation is available for anyone. While it is true that God knows who will and who will not accept the offer of salvation, He does not pick and choose who will or won't take it. Yes, that is hard to accept in and of itself, but that's just the way it is. We are told to share the gospel with everyone even though only a few will choose to accept it through the faith God gives to accept it. I like to put it this way... God knows who will accept salvation, but He keeps his cards close to His vest and doesn't tell us which ones are which.
Why does God only give faith to those who will accept salvation? Who says He doesn't give it to all? Only those who chose to exercise it actually use it. It's like getting in a car: until you put it into gear you're not going to go anywhere. The same thing applies to faith in that until it is applied in accepting God's offer of salvation through Christ is doesn't go anywhere. Yes, that is overly simplistic, but it does convey what I am trying to say.
God would rather that all men accept His offer of grace. Jesus Christ died for all men, not just a few. His sacrifice will cover the sins of all, but most will choose to ignore and reject it. That's the way man is. God does not force Himself on anyone, and He will allow those who reject His Son to have the very hell that they chose over Him.
God allows us to make the final decision regarding salvation. He furnishes the way and the means as well as the vehicle of it, but He leaves the ball in our court. Each and every person must decide to accept or reject Him, and not making a decision is the same as saying no in this matter. I had a really hard time with this as a young Christian, especially when my sister died suddenly without being saved. I literally wrestled with God for a long time about it, blaming Him for her death. Once I finally stopped long enough for Him to speak to me through prayer and His word, He showed me exactly what I have laid out here. God doesn't condemn anyone; they condemn themselves. I was once condemned by my own hand, but I accepted God's offer of salvation one day... my sister did not and had not when she met her end. I am still saddened by her loss, but I can stand and praise God for His righteousness knowing that her rejection was the cause.