HP: You speak in stark contradictions. First you say that evil is a product of a “lack of good extended,” which places the cause of evil as God Himself. What utter nonsense. Evil is most certainly the product of the will of sentient beings granted the ability of being the cause of their moral intents, and not because some ‘good’ was not extended.
Then you talk of free will. Free will to do what???? If evil is caused by the ‘lack’ of something, it is unavoidable and as such free will has no bearing over ones intents whatsoever. Men under such a lack are nothing more than the product of their necessitated fate, and that by God’s design, evidently according to what you have posted here.
No, actually, nothing that I've said is a 'contradiction' at all. Evil is the lack of the Good and not 'properly' a thing. C.S. Lewis once said, 'Evil is Good done badly' and I agree with him. It is not a 'thing' or 'product' but the misuse of a good. God made 'everything' and it was 'very good'. It is our 'misuse' of that which is 'very good' that makes it 'evil'.
Again, I ask, what is man's that was not given him by God? You never answered the question.
I also said in my opening post that 'Faith is an act of the Will empowered by Grace'. That Grace is extended to 'all humanity' but it is to be understood as 'synergia' and as the sole act of man nor God. God supplies the power to do the Good, we must act to will the Good with that power.
HP: A ‘gift’ that is in essence the “LACK” of something?? Whatever is the cause of the malady of sin is indeed the proper seat of all blame. If it is due to some lack, then the withholder of that needed entity (or whatever you see as a lack consists of) is indeed the seat of all blame for sin.
So you look at the conventional understanding of the Biblical Text and draw from it, that God is to blame for sin? Is that it? So in order for you to free God from this blame, you seek to take from God any responsibility for the state of affairs.. is this correct?
HP: My sin and your sin is not a gift from God, just for starters. Men are not mere robots designed and controlled by God. God created men with creative powers much as He possesses, in that we are indeed the cause of our moral intents and subsequent actions. The only alternative to that ius that we are the mere necessitated products of His will, making God the direct author of all sin. What a horrible blight you seem desirous of placing upon a Holy and Just God. If there is no disconnect between the intents of God and the intents formed by man, God is the only cause and as such is the only proper seat of blame for sin.
Once again you attempt to attribute an essence to sin as if it is a proper thing to be in posession of... I am saying that 'sin' is not a thing... it is the lack thereof of the Good.
HP: Bound, you are talking far beyond what your knowledge can substantiate. It would appear to me that you do not have the foggiest what the controversy between Augustine and Pelagius was, and are completely devoid of understanding what grace meant to Augustine.
And you can judge another's knowledge so easily? This isn't about Augustine and Pelagius, it is about the 'orthodox' understanding of our Faith and that of a 'heterodox' understanding of our Faith.
I have also read the revisionist writings which attempt to suggest that Pelagianism was correct but I fail to see the merit to the argument.
HP: Do you not have any ability to judge justly in a matter, or are you merely a stooge for a particular council, taking what one Council might have concluded without a fair examination of the facts in the case or the previous rulings of two other Councils? Councils are not evidence of truth being established or justice being served in the least. They are not nor ever have been infallible. They have been used to manipulate and serve the self interests of misguided men from their inception and nothing they arrive at can be established as truth apart from a careful examination of the actual issues involved from the perspectives they were firmly entrenched in, in light of the Word of God, first truths of reason, matters of immutable justice, matters of fact, and even personal experience to some degree.
Councils have weights... more weight than my attempts... some are Synods and others are General. The Anathemas against Pelagius was upheld by General Councils.
Wikipedia, defines Pelagianism as such:
Pelagianism is a theological theory named after Pelagius (AD 354 – AD 420/440), although ironically he denied, at least at some point in his life, many of the doctrines associated with his name. It is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special Divine aid. Thus, Adam's sin was "to set a bad example" for his progeny, but his actions did not have the other consequences imputed to Original Sin. Pelagianism views the role of Jesus as "setting a good example" for the rest of humanity (thus counteracting Adam's bad example) as well as providing an atonement for our sins. In short, humanity has full control, and thus full responsibility, for obeying the Gospel in addition to full responsibility for every sin (the latter insisted upon by both proponents and opponents of Pelagianism). According to Pelagian doctrine, because men are sinners by choice, they are therefore criminals who need the atonement of Jesus Christ. Sinners are not victims, they are criminals who need pardon.
I personally reject the point of Pelagianism which states 'that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil
without special Divine aid. In fact, humanity lacks 'any' ability to do the good without direct participation in the Divine Nature which is the source and font of 'all' Good. It is 'shared' with humanity and so it is 'never' a posession of humanity proper but of God and Him alone.
Pelagianism was attacked in the Council of Diospolis[2] and condemned in 418 at the Council of Carthage.[3] These condemnations were ratified at the Council of Ephesus in 431.
PS: John Wesley would turn over in his grave at your stated remarks in the last post, as to evil being the product of the 'lack of something' and not the direct product of ones personal choice of ones selfish will in direct relationship to a known commandment of God. Wesley clearly stated that NOTHING is sin directly other than willful disobedience to a known commandment of God.
Again, evil is not a 'product'... it is not a 'thing'... it is as C.S. Lewis once spoke... good done badly. John Wesley would agree with this because he taught that 'everyman' was extended Grace from God... but not 'everyman' is saved. So we can conclude from his teaching then that it isn't the lack of Grace per se that is the cause of evil but our lack to use said Grace for our own salvific ends.
Acts, like Willful Disobedience can demonstrate a lack to serve the Good within one's Will. We can characterize that as 'evil'... but 'evil' is not a proper thing, as I've said.