I Believe there are several scriptures that Link a person's personal faith in Christ to ETERNAL salvation (PB's claim many of the belief/gospel/salvation passages are speaking ONLY of temporal salvation, ie, salvation from an earthly life of unbelief...and so many proof-texts that we might use would be rejected if they only use the words "saved" or "salvation."...so we must focus on scriptures that link faith/belief/hearing the gospel with ETERNAL salvation.).
Some are addressed in this thread:
Perhaps the most clear is in romans 3:21-26. Despite the arguments that v 22 could/should be translated as "Faith OF Christ" rather that "faith IN Christ."...those argument's don't change the fact that v.25 says the propitiation is "to be received by faith." ie, the MEANS by which we receive the justification, the free gift, the propitiation purchased by Christ's blood, is the faith of the recipient.
well, let me put it this way.
we PB's believe that when rightly divided, the word of God showsGod deals with His people in two dimensions, or ways, or whatever word you all may want to use.
The eternal.
The temporal.
For the eternal redemption of His people, whoever they are, wherever they are geographically, or whenever they were on this physical world chronologically, He required nothing. No faith, no obedience, no faithfulness, no prayers of "acceptance". nothing.
Everything hinged on Him, everything depended on the obedience, faith, faithfulness of Christ, His willingness, His determination.
That is absolute, unmerited, unqualified, crystal pure grace which most define as unmerited favor.
Suffice for their justification, adoption, redemption and cleansing is the blood of the Lamb drawn from eternity past from the Lamb of eternity.
In the mind of God (the Book of Life, if you will) everyone whose name is etched on that mind was redeemed from eternity past, and finally redeemed in time at the physical flow of that blood.
Therefore, we PB's do not believe in SALVIFIC MISSIONARY WORK.
However, God did want the good news given to His people, everywhere.
That the once offended God and the once offending creature has now been finally brought together in Christ and through Christ and that His people are to turn from their idols to the living God, worshipping Him in their midst before a crooked and perverse generation, and living the "Kingdom way" here on earth.
So God calls His people out into assemblies where His doctrine is TAUGHT, and righteous living is required, where righteousness is rewarded, and unrighteousness is chastised, lies exposed, and truth upheld.
This is gospel salvation, not regeneration.
This requires faith and obedience and faithfulness, and such other works of righteousness outlined in many of the apostles' letters, the lack of which does NOT IN ANY WAY negate the eternal destiny of the elect.
Arminians, etc., call this: discipling.
AFTER they have gotten the sinner saved.