Charles_chreech78 said:
Tell me Ed is there Bibles out there that are changed.
I just found out this week that my KJV1769 Edition
electronic Bible is IN ERROR - it is NOT like
other KJV1769 Editions.
I use three Bibles from e-sword. They have been put
on my computer, so I can use it even when the Internet
Service is down for awhile.
1. The Geneva Bible, 1587 Edition
2. The KJV1611 Edition
3. The KJV1769 Edition with Strong's Numbers.
Strong's Numbers are so much easier to use on
such a program - just click on the number and
you can find out what the source Hebrew or Greek
means. This is really useful trying to figure out which
English Bible has the best translation FOR THE 21ST
CENTURY. Much better on computer - that 12-pound
STRONG'S is a gut buster
Charles_chreech78 said:
Tell me the truth yes or no. Ed does you r 1611 say this. TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE Prince, James by the grace of God King of Great Britaine,France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, THE TRANSLATORS OF THE BIBLE, wish Grace, Mercie, and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Electronic KJV1611 Edition - NO, it doesn't say that
Paper KJV1611 Edition, the one with the Translator
Footnotes (actually on the side, but side notes are called
'footnotes'), with the Cross-reference footnotes,
but with no comentary footnotes (King James said not
to, revise the Bishop's Bible but don't have any comentary
This copy has the Pagan God 'Sol Invictus' on the title
page. This copy does have the text you suggest.
Unfortunately, so do many pirated copies of the KJV
that are in error. (all I have seen have the logo: "Authorized
Version" -- pretty nifty for an unauthorized version
Here is where I've been documenting variations between
the KJV1611 Edition and other KJV