Exactly. WHich is again why I mentioned the medications. You can't have the mind of Christ if you can't control your mind. You can't walk in the Spirit if something else has control of your mind.
I believe sometimes medication helps us to have control of our mind. When there is a chemical component, we need to help balance that my medicine and it then helps our body to work properly.
I don't have a mental illness (that I know of
) but I do have something called polycystic ovarian syndrome and a portion of that is caused by insulin resistance. Basically, my body cannot read properly when I have insulin in my bloodstream so it keeps making more and more and more. It's kind of the opposite of diabetes. What happens with the extra insulin is that it affects all sorts of other systems that end up increasing my risk of infertility (absolutely affected my fertility), heart disease, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer. I have had multiple D&Cs due to excessive bleeding and I have many ovarian cysts. I could also eat super healthy and still store fat which makes me very unhealthy. HOWEVER, there is a medication called metformin that seems to help in my situation. By taking the metformin, my pancreas is no longer producing so much insulin, I dropped weight, my ovarian cysts have decreased dramatically and I have a regular cycle, thus decreasing my risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. By dropping the weight and not storing fat like I did before, I have decreased my risk of heart disease. Essentially, my body functions now the way it should just because of taking this medication.
I explained all of that to show how sometimes, something is off kilter in our body which then affects all kinds of other systems and by taking some medication to regulate what is off kilter, we can then begin to be "normal" again. It's not that we are being controlled by the medication but the medication is controlling what's wrong so that our brains can function properly.