But that is the logical conclusion of your position. In a logical syllogism,
1. People don't need to hear about Jesus to be saved.
2. Missionaries tell people about Jesus, but salvation comes without Jesus.
3. Therefore missionaries are useless and unneeded.
You are still not comprehending my position. I do trust in God to "provide the means for all people to come to know Him and be saved." Please, go back and read what I actually wrote in #41.
Why in the world would you say this? I
DON'T think my life has been a waste.

That's my point. IF people can get saved without Christ, than the Great Commission is moot. It's useless. God will just save who He wants to without missionaries.
I often thank God for making me a missionary. It's a thrill to have served God overseas. I've preached the Gospel in six different countries, and that is an awesome privilege that I cherish.
Again, you are misrepresenting me. I did not say this, but said the exact opposite.
Those who honestly seek God will find Him, as I have already said, only Scripture is clear that it has to be through the Gospel, not natural revelation.
Please, if someone can get saved without Jesus, tell me why Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
You are saying the opposite of Jesus. You are saying that people get saved without going to the Father through Jesus Christ. So is Jesus a liar?