I never mind someone who wants to discuss, even debate views of Scriptures, how they are applicable, and what can be applied to life and living.
However, I have NO tolerance for those who want to declare that I "twist" the Scriptures.
That is just so poor of an argument, and unsubstantiated. For example:
You talk about having no grace within non-elect, Do you see if physical LIFE has to be POWERED by GOD? And you Think there is no residual effects (for humanity) of Adam being made in image of God?
Look back over the thread and see if I even hinted of such statements?
What I hold is that the Scriptures state that the natural man receives NOTHING of the Spirit, that the Scriptures state that there are two kinds of humankind - believers and unbelievers (John 3).
And Yes, you taking 2 Thes. 1 to make it say what you want it to say is twisting scripture.
Of course there is not a single shred of evidence offered, but the rant continued
You think you have God figured out? Who knows the MInd of God? You sound like Job. 2
There is a time when a poster needs to step back and evaluate their statements to see if they are being reactive or responsive. Such statements as above do not edify, nor enhance the argument one seeks to support.
Thessalonians is a Continuation of the dealing from the 1st epistle. Unbelieving Jews wanted to destroy them. They Didn't obey the Gospel, similarly to The Jews in the Wilderness...They Chose Unbelief....Simple my friend.
Perhaps you miss what the writer's emphasis is in 2 Thessalonians.
It is written with the emphasis placed upon the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In contrast to your assumptions, 2 Thessalonians is correcting some of the misconceptions the Thessalonians had adopted concerning the return of Christ.
In fact, I don't recall that anything related to Jewish teaching or confusion by Judaizers is even taken into account in EITHER 1 or 2 Thessalonians.
I think it may be good for you to point to a more specific place in which that is being addressed by the writer.
Now, I have taken the time to be cordial, and to address the issues you raise.
I would ask that you not place the claim upon me that I "twist" scriptures. Not only is it inappropriate, but it supports no argument you offer in defense.
Rather than rant, show me (or anyone else) the basis of your view using Scriptures. Defend using Scriptures, and if the Scriptures support your views, then you will be stronger, if they do not, then the Holy Spirit will gently prompt you to modify.
I am
never above being corrected by those who use Scriptures. By those who patiently express their views, can support their thinking by Scriptures, and can reasonably present a balanced approach of both acknowledgement of some points and disagreement of others.
Such makes edification flourish.