This is going to be self centered.
I have a question at the end?
I am not a calvinist.
I am not an arminianist.
I am a mugwump. Mug on one side of the fence wump on the other - someone else gave me that name - don't remember who.
I tried being a calvinist every other day then an arminian on the off days.
Didn't work well for me.
Personally I cant agree with all of the traditional details of either systematic theology although I was educated in a Bible school of mixed theological points of view.
Although coming (or driven to Christ) for me was a battle . I have said many times before, I am now an "easy-believer", because believing on Jesus is the easiest thing I know how to do to, in fact its second nature (maybe first nature?) to me.
Here is a verse:
Ephesians 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
Here is my question just for committed calvinist : In the calvinistic way of looking at things could not the Triune God have said in His own council : Let us choose the elect right now unconditionally and at our chosen time give each one of them the ability to come to Christ by decision, by being driven or whatever method of calling/coming suits our purpose.
If not why not?
After all we weren't there at this counsel (apart from being in the mind of God).
I have a question at the end?
I am not a calvinist.
I am not an arminianist.
I am a mugwump. Mug on one side of the fence wump on the other - someone else gave me that name - don't remember who.
I tried being a calvinist every other day then an arminian on the off days.
Didn't work well for me.
Personally I cant agree with all of the traditional details of either systematic theology although I was educated in a Bible school of mixed theological points of view.
Although coming (or driven to Christ) for me was a battle . I have said many times before, I am now an "easy-believer", because believing on Jesus is the easiest thing I know how to do to, in fact its second nature (maybe first nature?) to me.
Here is a verse:
Ephesians 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
Here is my question just for committed calvinist : In the calvinistic way of looking at things could not the Triune God have said in His own council : Let us choose the elect right now unconditionally and at our chosen time give each one of them the ability to come to Christ by decision, by being driven or whatever method of calling/coming suits our purpose.
If not why not?
After all we weren't there at this counsel (apart from being in the mind of God).