Now we are down to the nitty gritty. Some will be saved because they make a choice to not harden their hearts and others will not be saved because they make a choice to harden their hearts (or make no choice at all).
So, let's examine that thesis. You and your next door neighbor are both lost. You are invited to attend an evangelistic meeting at a local church. You both attend. You sit next to each other. You both hear the same message.
But you believe and are gloriously saved. Your neighbor does not and leaves lost.
So, what was it that made you choose to not harden your heart but made your neighbor do so?
I surrendered, He resisted to the Spirit Drawing.
Are you more spiritually minded than he?
Is there something about you that is smarter or otherwise better than he?
Why did you come to Christ but he didn't?
Already answered.
Why did you decide to come to Christ and he decided not to?
Trading my life for Christ sounded amazing
In what way are you better, smarter, more spiritually minded than he?